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  1. U

    1st CFL Hempy Grow

    check out the grows in my signature, im sure they can help you out a bit. General outline, LST all the way. my pics will explain. I dont know how experienced of a grower you are (so excuse me if you already know) just make sure to check up on the PH of your water so you dont get nute lock out...
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    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    This last weekend had the great opportunity to have a little house roll/kickback with some buddies. Yellow m&m pokes 7/10, clean as fuck! But not as strong as other pokes, also had a red devil 9/10 also super clean and much stronger than the pokes. These are circulating in and around socal.
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    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    So question for you on this thread: what do you prefer, house rolls (or similar) or rolling at a party/event? And second question: do you guys smoke while rolling? (no not cigs)
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    GWS and OG Jack hempy cfl grow

    So I've been flushing these babies out for the last 7 days, and boy can you see the trichomes just reachig out off the buds. It's amazing. One of them is ready to harvest thanks to my 420 scope. Milky milky milky trichomes some edging on amber. This is an og Jack, the other 2- og jacks and 2 gws...
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    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    Hmmm, just in time, 1 of 5 lil babies got harvested yesterday.... Smoke session! lst'd og Jack. Yumz!
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    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    I don't think he was trying to out you they way you percieve. However, go back and read ur post... Well to say the least, it's confusing and you half told a story and then said it was nasty, or something. That message was pretty out there, that's all. Dont trip, we all smoke! :bigjoint...
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    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    tell all your friends about !!! I mentioned it before... And I'll mention it as often as possible, be safe and be smart, know what ur taking! EROWID.COM also PILLREPORTS.COM
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    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    nicely put! it definitely is a completely different level of consciousness. and id say NO it does not make you horny, and from a guys perpective, it doesnt really allow you to perform if you catch me drift, HOWEVER there is this desire to connect with other people. a favorite of mine is...
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    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    i totally understand your hesitation to do a drug like this. (in no way am i pressuring you whatsoever, before i go on any further) . I used to be the same way, i like being in control because when it comes down to it, it plain scary. The key thing with experimenting with such things as mdma...
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    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    Ndangerspecimen101, ur inbox is full.
  11. U

    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    Your brain needs at LEAST 2 weeks to recover from the serotonin release before you start effin shit up, and the magic goes away super fast. Moderation is super important. And if you are safe, and research before you intake anything you will be a very happy With how long you can enjoy MDMA. I'm...
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    A Chemical Love Story Excerpt- ECSTASY

    pokeballs. if you happen to come across them, mostly any color or logo are AMAZING! i can vouch for yellow telephones. always helps too. tests+reports of specific pills by region.
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    250w hps 5 plant wardrobe grow week 5

    WTF?! What did you feed these things?! Really what nutes, what medium. So jealous! Good work!!!
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    GWS and OG Jack hempy cfl grow

    Been super busy as of late, but here is a teaser pic til I have time to uoad some more. I have like 2 weeks left of 3 plants(og Jack), probably 3-4 weeks more on the gws's. This pic is of the og jack, which have done AMAzing, totally surpassed my expectation! I lied, 3 closeups of the of...
  15. U

    Smokefrogg's Lil Apartment Grow - 250 hps

    Looking good so far!! hope you can find the issue causing the leaf discoloration/dryness. happens to me during mid/late flowering. I have yet to find out what causes it, even with different nutes and being VERY consistent with ph and such. Goodluck.
  16. U

    Smokefrogg's Lil Apartment Grow - 250 hps

    for sure, from now on, I'm sticking to lst, my first attempt at it was that last grow of mine, and was delightfuly surpised. I'm getting anxious for ur buds man, more pics!!! Haha
  17. U

    Smokefrogg's Lil Apartment Grow - 250 hps

    Thanks for the reply. Funds are low right now and cant afford toget the 250 :(. But I guess it's kinda good for now since realizing I have 3/5 hermies!!!!! Ugh! That's the last time I try topping or fimming, too much stress must have triggered them during a crucial vegetative growth period. I...
  18. U

    GWS and OG Jack hempy cfl grow

    Day 14 of flowering and there is lessons learned with this gro already. I noticed 3/5 of my plants are hermie! I am almost positive this is due to "topping" or FIMM'ing. This is my first time trying this technique and like I have posted before some of the plants did not take well to this. The...
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    GWS and OG Jack hempy cfl grow

    Day 10 of flowering. Just some quick pics. I'm beginning to see some signs of sex, but it's hard to tell. I thought one was for sure a male, kinda accidently half snapped on the branches in trying to see up close, then the next day saw WHITE HAIRS!!! FML!!! the plant looks fine though... I'm...
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    250w hps 5 plant wardrobe grow week 5

    AGH! Love your plants man. It always puts a huge smile on my face seeing a 250w produce sooo much. Happy Growing!