i love adds rits all that shit 2 days ago swim aquired 60 methyldiate or suttin like that idk how to spell it ive had these b4 but in 20 mg which were white n had junkie beads inside onces crushed these were 10 mg ones light green color had no junkie beads in them i ate 8 of them and sniffed 4...
ive seen this same show oxy contin express and this sparked me 2 try this with the lil oc 5's me n my friend even my dad do it from time to time it moreless to mee gives me a rush kinda like a bellrings off the rock or some whipits and tastes exatly like burnt hair as someone else stated
i feel the same way about "spice" i smoke bizzaro and orgazmo made by zenscense and even after the first week of smokin it im telling my friend im like i fein for it like some crack like forreal been their done em both its straight chasing the dragon but i love opiates and i always dive n and...
my friend found a guy on that sent him a 3.8 grams for free no shippeing feees either ,
idk if anyones ever been too that site but its a whole undeground of network drugdealing lol ppl sellin mad diff stuff their
lol shit happens what ever i bet if ur dumb ass was walking and found 4-5 plants matured enough too take you would just be a hypocrit cuz ur online and want too "be cooll" i gusse u'd call it,
so find one i got jewed for 63 dollars last week from guy my friend found on topix.com guy had sent us a two gram sample prior to any money being sent too him also so i dont see why he would take 63 dolla but w.e
whats this site youve found?
I think i read it but when I whent bak for a second look i can no longer find it so
A:you didnt post it
B: im cracked out and thought I read it lol