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  1. B

    bodhi seeds

    i feel really bad that i dont get to visit here that often, but i feel really good that such an amazing collection of charactors keeps this thread filled with laughter, debate, mystery and intrigue, and some really oversized neon green thumbs. i figured since I’m lurking ill answer a few...
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    Who is Bodhi, Where is Home?

    i rarely post here at rui... last time i posted i tried to help a mother get some cbd rich seeds for her epileptic child and my post were removed and i was warned over my actions.. theres are great bunch of guys that hold down an amazing thread here disguised as a bodhi seeds thread, but it...
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    bodhi seeds

    sure... the general consensus is that its a large yielding highly potent berry smelling plant, finishes within 9 weeks... heres some quotes from kindmind: I really love the dream lotus, It has peaked my interest even more into bodhi's work! I haven't had the time to look thru these pics...
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    bodhi seeds

    50 days light dep.... right on.... i love the flavor on the dank sinatra... the tigers milk does good outdoors too....
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    bodhi seeds

    the clusterfunks came out pretty nice, good yield too for the quality...
  6. B

    bodhi seeds

    thanks for the props 40sdroppinhot.... i try and do my best to work with the highest intentions, ive had a few herms in some of my more daring crosses, and had some germ issues on a batch of dank sinatra i made in a tent, but nobody is perfect.
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    bodhi seeds

    theres a grow show on bb, and cannetics.
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    bodhi seeds

    have not seen any grow reports on this one, but shes a stretchy gal with big full buds, potent up high....
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    bodhi seeds

    ps... more dream lotus in a few weeks...
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    bodhi seeds

    lots of cool pics and plants.... nice sunny d gu.. awesome nugs .....wheezer, jj420, coolkidand.... im glad you got that deep blue pakistani steampick, its a unique line, two dominant inbred indicas offset by a landrace pakistani, like a family reunion at an amusement park. sorry about the...
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    this thread is pretty dam cool, just hard to keep up you guys are on informational overdrive....
  12. B

    bodhi seeds

    i would give them a call, im not sure what they have left. enjoy your time in the cruz.....
  13. B

    bodhi seeds

    the new seeds are being harvested and need a nice dry and cure, but they should be done and bagged by the end of aug...
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    bodhi seeds

    its so good to hear that people are enjoying the plants..... it really warms my heart... i hope you guys are finding phenos that really do it for you...
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    my friend batman skunk says this is the coolest thread on RIU... its amazing to see the passion of all you guys... seeds are the secret... a return to the future.... total genetic rebirth.... deep treasure hunting for amazing lines...
  16. B

    bodhi seeds

    the dank sinatra is treasure bud, its that jar you pull out for special times.... not the biggest yielder but a full molecular kushy rub down....
  17. B

    bodhi seeds

    thanks for all the support and kind words, and sorry i dont make it over to RIU that much. im having a hard time keeping up with all the forums, pm's, and emails. being mr mom by day, gardner by night makes it hard to stay current with computer things.. my heart grows when im in the garden, and...
  18. B

    hi sketchygrower... i cant find the pm button on this email me at...

    hi sketchygrower... i cant find the pm button on this email me at [email protected] have a great weekend peace b
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    Super Silver strawberry lotus (bodhi) Detroit Diesel F5 (medical garden solutions)

    a friend just alerted me to your problems SketchyGrower... im sorry the super silver strawberry lotus freebies went intersex on you, i put up a caution thread at my home site after hearing about your thread. I talked with a few other people growing them and theirs are doing good, but it does...
  20. B

    bodhi seeds

    the goji price is a glitch, they should be around $69... late night sunday or monday should see some more gojis post office willing... and then some sunshine daydream, etc... after that... im shucking beans as fast as i its not easy ripping through beautiful buds to extract seeds...