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  1. C

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    Roseman, I understand how removing the fan leaves deprives the plant of energy but how does removing so much of the root mass not steal energy as well when the roots regrow? I believe you that it works just not comprehending why.
  2. C

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    I hate to go against the acknowledged guru but don't totally knock the urine business. A cat got into one pf my planters and did her business. The growth was nothing short of incredible. I am pretty sure the high urea content and hhgh bio-avialability due to the pH of cat urine made it very...
  3. C

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    Thank you for this incredible education. I might be jumping the gun but now that you are at 12/12 how do you remove males with the huge tangled root mass? I have been wonderinghow not to leave behind a lot of dead roots. Thank you.
  4. C

    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    Just about exact except mine are somewhat larger. The two big ones like yours in back turned out to be male, the smaller ones lkie your front female. Just showing female in the last few days, day 52, after 17 days of 12/12.
  5. C

    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    I discovered this site too late, I am growing Lowryder2 for the first time and had no flowering at 38 days so went to 12/12 . Now day 62 after 14 days of 12/12 the two biggest plants developed male flowers a week ago but the rest of the plants are still not flowering. Using 300 watts of 5000K...