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  1. D

    Why are they Sagging

    Hey Folks, First Grow and I am not sure what i am doing wrong but here goes: My plants are on 18/6 the lights go out at 9 am because no one is home by then, they turn back on at 3. I am using the gh flora nova series on half strength. My plants are having a tendancy to sag or droop early in the...
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    Veg Room Light Help

    gotcha thanks
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    Veg Room Light Help

    I am wondering if you can use a t5 bulb in any regular ballast? Of course wattage is considered but i am not sure on the specifics.
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    Opening Dispensary in Colorado

    So you need to take a trip but you should look up the other states with medical marijuana laws some of them are better for caregivers/dispensaries.
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    Opening Dispensary in Colorado

    No Man, You cannot just open up and go, medical marijuana was legalized in 97 in co, most of the counties have voted and passed restrictions on them if that was what was decided, however if you go to your countys building department i am sure they will fill you in with all of the information on...
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    Blindly led to our deaths we rejoice at our own lack of knowledge and technology.

    How can you say that, If you are so much further educated what is worth the time. Sorry to have to dissagree however I believe Human Existance past my generation is worth the time. Look at the bigger picture.
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    Blindly led to our deaths we rejoice at our own lack of knowledge and technology.

    Politics as usual in Washington. Even after the promise of change, which is really what this discution is about. there will be no change as long as our leader is elected by Exxon, Chevron, Merryl Lynch, Bank of America, and Wal-Mart, among countless others. Why is it that these corporations can...
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    Blindly led to our deaths we rejoice at our own lack of knowledge and technology.

    I feel that this post is very important. With Democrats realizing that Obama is not their savior, slowly but surly. With "Told you So" bumper stickers stroling around on the back of Republicans Cadillacs, I feel that the time has come, at least for me. I can no longer idily sit by and watch you...
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    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    I would just like to state that none of the founding fathers meant for this country to become a "Christian Nation": "This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it."-John Addams. "Christianity is the most preverted institution man has ever endured"- Thomas...
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    4 weeks into flower and I've got mold on one.

    Also bleach your plant containers before you use and between all flush cycles. rinse very well. sanitation is key.
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    4 weeks into flower and I've got mold on one.

    by using a product that kills more types of mold you are exposing yourself to chemicals that you nor the corporation that sells it, have any idea about the long term effects of. Just a suggestion i am willing to help if you have questions hit me up. I have mold experience. and that stuff will...
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    4 weeks into flower and I've got mold on one.

    I would suggest looking into what kind of mold your plants have taken on. certain types of mold can be targeted by different agents.
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    burned plant help me

    I would be more concerned about where you are hanging your light. i cant see any evidence of a burn from that photo however it looks like your light is not even above your plant at all. it also looks like it could be getting over watered.
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    Fairly large room 15x15 how would I set this up?

    He is right you should consider using a smaller space like a closet. if you are going sog you need to do it right and i dont care how small it is you are not going to get a good product with a set up of under one g.
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    How many Kwh does a 600w hps use on 12/12?

    You are failing to take in all of the required information. You need to consider the amount of amps you are pulling or you are going to be tripping breakers with more lights and then you are going to hot start your lamps and then what are they worth. do your research