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  1. tastybrains

    Biggest Turn Offs

  2. tastybrains

    Benzodiapine Q&A

    Holy mood-altering drug collection, Batman! Be careful with these. 2mg Xanax is a rather high dose. I hope that I don't come off as a downer or naysayer -- what I say is based on my own uncomfortable experience and the research that I did after getting over it. I have taken Xanax "as needed"...
  3. tastybrains

    Closet CFL Grow - My First Grow

    Hey man, it's been a few days ... inquiring minds want to know: how are things going? :)
  4. tastybrains

    Closet CFL Grow - My First Grow

    Looks about right for the first week. You have the first real leaf (other than the embryonic first set) and a nice little second set / first node growing. The lower leaves were yellowing on your lagging girl, but the grow tip looked green. Don't kill her just yet (unless the situation is...
  5. tastybrains

    Closet CFL Grow - My First Grow

    Unfortunately, it's tough to say when the plants are so young. Occasionally a seedling will just peter out. It could be genetic or disease or anything else. The important thing, especially when they are so small, is not give in to panic. Keep treating it just like the other ones -- since...
  6. tastybrains

    Closet CFL Grow - My First Grow

    Congrats, you're a papa! Your grow is looking great to me! The advice KFN and SMM have given is right on -- the plant can come within 1/2" of a CFL bulb and probably not be harmed -- my personal preference during veg is to keep the bulbs about 4" away because I know that they won't be able to...
  7. tastybrains

    thrips and ladybugs

    Hmm. Not a bad suggestion. I generally take pride in growing from soil, but truthfully, maybe it is just stubbornness when it comes to trying something different. Anyway, you are right about not wanting to spray anything. Sadly, this is my flowering room. For now, I am trying not to let it...
  8. tastybrains

    Closet CFL Grow - My First Grow

    KFN's idea about one container is a pretty good one if you are only raising a few plants. Some things to consider with that approach: firstly, don't make it so big that you can't reasonably handle it. You will probably need to remove it to your bathroom at some point to flush or some such...
  9. tastybrains

    thrips and ladybugs

    Yeah, thrips are a bitch. I have had decent success at lowering their population by putting sticky traps everywhere, but it still just reduces them, it doesn't get rid of 'em. After the current crop is done flowering, I will probably do a thorough cleaning and start from scratch. Anyway, the...
  10. tastybrains

    thrips and ladybugs

    I thought this was fairly hilarious. I had guests in my house a few months ago, so I hid my plants outside during that time. After I brought them back in, I discovered that they had been infested with thrips. :( Anyway, I had the door to my back balcony open earlier today, and lo and behold...
  11. tastybrains

    What kind of CFL bulbs should i buy?

    I found 23-watt CFLs at Home Depot in a "contractor" box -- 12 bulbs for $12 or something like that. They are 2700k bulbs. I also bought a 4-pack of 5500k bulbs, which are more bluish and also a bit more expensive, to enhance the color spectrum. I built my own light fixture from scrap lumber...
  12. tastybrains

    Is Anything Real?

    I wonder this all the time, especially when I'm stoned in public. It is like watching life on a TV. I meet people, and they seem real, but their reactions seem preternaturally predictable. Meeting them feels like a movie unfolding. I keep trying to maximize the experience every time it...
  13. tastybrains

    Is Anything Real?

    Original God? Like OG Kush? Who made it that, indeed??
  14. tastybrains

    Closet CFL Grow - My First Grow

    Awesome setup, Rentjr. I am working with something very similar myself and have had excellent results thus far. I started off with 10 23-watt CFLs and have since increased it to 22 bulbs for flowering. I love seeing these kinds of hand-built setups. The craftsman within me rejoices. Post...
  15. tastybrains

    scwascwa's new CFL grow :)

    Love it. How big is your grow area? Is it just one plant? I am trying out a CFL grow also with 460 watts worth of CFLs (20 assorted cool white and daylight bulbs, all 23 watts each). People hate on CFLs, but they can grow good bud in tight spaces! I think people are prejudiced against them...
  16. tastybrains

    leaves purpling and exhibiting chlorosis

    Could it just be phosphorus def from all the buds? I have never seen a pic that looked like this in an MJ grow guide, but doing a google search for "phosphorus deficiency" turns up pictures of tomato leaves that kind of look like this. Example...
  17. tastybrains

    leaves purpling and exhibiting chlorosis

    They do look rather crispy, no? However, it is a CFL grow (460 watts total) with plenty of ventilation, so the temperature never gets above 75. I decided to flush this plant and add a little bit of wood ash from my fireplace to up the pH a little bit -- I figured it couldn't hurt, though I...
  18. tastybrains

    leaves purpling and exhibiting chlorosis

    Hi all, My current grow is 5 weeks into flowering and one of the plants in particular is exhibiting leaves that are turning dark purple near the veins, and then eventually yellowing/drying out starting from the outside in. This is affecting the plant from the top down -- only the first few...
  19. tastybrains

    Stunted bud growth ?

    Hello there, Gods of Grass. This is my first grow in 12 years, and I am having an odd problem with my plants. They have been flowering for just over a month now, but only the top colas have sprouted hairs or shown development in the last 2-3 weeks. Is this normal? I am starting to wonder if...