Search results

  1. J

    Royal Gold Basement mix and fungus Gnats

    So am on my second harvest with royal gold basement mix. My first harvest I noticed a good amount of gnats and really didn't do much. Hoping that maybe it was the batch I got I for some dumb reason decided to go with basement mix again and had the exact same gnat problem (I did make sure to at...
  2. J

    Getting a card is a joke.

    Check out the portland alternative clinic they have a 48hr turn around time after approving you & don't take 5 years to tell you they haven't recieved our records
  3. J this site is an open vendor database meaning talks of human... this site is an open vendor database meaning talks of human consumption are forbidden however vendor discussion is allowed. I am way into rc's well I used to be I am a bit retired (at least temporarily for now), have used, ordered and sold, bkmdma, bkmbdb, 4-mec...
  4. J

    If you have problems buying stuff again put every email you ever work with through...

    If you have problems buying stuff again put every email you ever work with through it is a global database of "vendors" (those selling things ; ) ). If someone has positive reviews on here they are almost 100% legit.
  5. J

    Hi from Oregon

    Hey technically I have had an account here for awhile however I have never been very active! I have to say I really like this site though now that I sat down and started conversing with people (so far only about nutrients)! Their are alot of other cannabis based sites out there and the one I...
  6. J

    Botanicare Nutrient's my regimine advice tips etc all appreciated.

    I also have CNS 17 Grow and Flower I don't regularly use it on my soil babies but I like to use it on my aeroponic guys. It is amazing how stable the ph is with the CNS line I really need to do some side by side testing of cns vs regular old PBP. I need to sit down and figure out if CNS is...
  7. J

    Chances of getting through airport security with medicine...

    Either A) Mail it to yourself triple vacuum sealed cleverly disguised in a package (teddy bear, box of holiday pop corn, hell even just wrapped in wrapping paper like a present), only use USPS (they need a search warrant to open your mail), if you can get it to fit in a standard priority or...
  8. J

    Botanicare Nutrient's my regimine advice tips etc all appreciated.

    Hey I probably worded that wrong I meant to say it seemed my buds had a stronger more pungent sweet smell when using bud candy. It could have been a number of other factors (changed soil when this happened also). Also grow partner has been growing for years (never really refining his...
  9. J

    Botanicare Nutrient's my regimine advice tips etc all appreciated.

    I've been using the botanicare line for the last 2 years and slowly since I started growing I have started adding more of their products and added a few other products from other company's as well. I use Pure Blend Pro Grow (Soil formulation), Liquid Karma, and Cal-Mag for vegging. For...
  10. J

    What do u guys think of botanicare? having problems with this medium

    I use this soil mix and like the above poster stated it s an extremely light mix and requires more watering than normal. I honestly have started seeds in this mix and damn near killed them after not gving them water for long enough. I wouldn't say it is a shitty medium persay just extremely...
  11. J

    Lights left on for 7 hours during week 4 and 1 of flowering

    Hey new to this site this is my second indoor crop and everything been going good until now. Here's my system I have a 5X5X7 secret jarden grow tent with 2 600w hps vented sun systems hood with 2 600w lumatek ballasts for a total of 5 plants. I also have a 4X4 vegging tent with a t5 and...