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  1. boristheblade

    PCP and LSD recipe

    albert h had a one pot shot method .i have it thanks to uncle fester . its not a one pot method at all .if i can figure out how to post it i will
  2. boristheblade

    nutrient confusion fox farm

    thanks grizzly. i + ever ones rep but in not sure what that is
  3. boristheblade

    plant 2 light ratio

    all right here is the run down... i have a 10 by 10 by 6.5 feet room im running 2 1000 shps .i wanted to know what would be a good number of ladys in my space?i plan on using 12 5gal buckets and i have 2 gal pots i was going to use when i loll pop top them? so how many 2gal pots should i use...
  4. boristheblade

    The church days away from harvest...yellowing

    o what size lamps wheir you useing
  5. boristheblade

    nutrient confusion fox farm

    thank you . i will up date with piks if interested
  6. boristheblade

    nutrient confusion fox farm

    right but week 4 it says to add the open sesame should i skip this step or continue with week 4 untill im ready to flower
  7. boristheblade

    nutrient confusion fox farm

    I have 3 plants (the church, blue hash, and california hash). I'm using promix in 5 gallon buckets. I plan on mothering. I'm using fox farm nutrients and their calander doesn't list a mothering stage (it only lists a 3 month calander with veg for 1 month) What nutrient solution should I use...
  8. boristheblade

    Nice plants goin hermie?advice needed

    id remove the hermies or cut the balls off him her
  9. boristheblade

    box elder bugs

    i havent seen a bugs .but i had a idea my plants are very vigours could other leafs damage other leafs
  10. boristheblade

    The church days away from harvest...yellowing

    that will work thank using her as a mother i will post piks if intrested
  11. boristheblade

    The church days away from harvest...yellowing

    the church is one of the most sought after strains of this year . thay look realy frosty. would you mind giving a walk through of what you did ?type of system,nut,veg time ,flower time ,lamps, size of room ,yield, how does she taste,
  12. boristheblade

    box elder bugs

    ya im having the same problem not as bad ..did you find out anything
  13. boristheblade

    Welcome New Members!

    whats up im boris .i have a lil over a year in but have been studding for over 15.
  14. boristheblade

    The church days away from harvest...yellowing

    i just started some church how did it turn out .or is this tread dead