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  1. newbienewb

    Aerogarden newbie questions and answers

    You choose, u can put it on 24hrs/day, I went with 18 on / 6 off. My wife dropped one of those nute tabs in without killin anyone, the roots grew super fast and I had to transplant out. Good luck, that light is only good for a couple of weeks growth.
  2. newbienewb

    UPCAN or UPLIGHT 1st?

    Well I didnt have any six inch pots, so into the 2 gal they went and under the big light. I'll post back to say whether they have flourished or died. Wish me luck.
  3. newbienewb

    UPCAN or UPLIGHT 1st?

    Holy Shizznit I just checked the babies, and for two weeks Im amazed, the roots are all growing out the bottom of the pots. My go to guy says they have to be upcaned to 6 inch pots and put under the big light. LMK if anyone advises againts this. I plan on transplanting tomorrow.
  4. newbienewb

    UPCAN or UPLIGHT 1st?

    I just got back from the Hydro store and buddy runnin the shop says to wait out till the babies have established a nice root system, then transplant and then light em up.
  5. newbienewb

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Not trying to hijack anyones thread here, but active thread right.... My Current set up: 20 X Kush babies from seed 2 weeks old, under 4 X 23W and 2 X 42W CFL. Soiless Promix soil, and have used DNF nutes at 1/4 solution and everyone is doing GREAT!. I have a 400W MH conversion bulb ready to...
  6. newbienewb

    Superfile Grow Box

    U could get that, but doesnt that take the enjoyment out of growing. I am enjoying learning to read my plants and hopefully reap the rewards. If you have that kinda cash to drop on something like that, why not try your own set up? Theres lots of grow journals here to go off of. Good luck
  7. newbienewb

    UPCAN or UPLIGHT 1st?

    Current set up: 20 X Kush babies from seed 2 weeks old, under 4 X 23W and 2 X 42W CFL. Soiless Promix soil, and have used DNF nutes at 1/4 solution and everyone is doing GREAT!. I have a 400W MH conversion bulb ready to go and the room set up to RUN, however, do I upcan first and then put...
  8. newbienewb

    FROSTED 400W MH??? Can I grow anything with this?!?!?

    Wow, thanx REckless Lemming Now I can veg with that bulb and use my dual band for flower. This place ROCKS!
  9. newbienewb

    FROSTED 400W MH??? Can I grow anything with this?!?!?

    K thanx I think I'll make sure I have the proper one before hitting the ON switch.
  10. newbienewb

    Extension cord to run 400W MH

    Thanx you guyz.
  11. newbienewb

    FROSTED 400W MH??? Can I grow anything with this?!?!?

    Seen this today and picked it up for CHEAP! It is not clear glass like normal MH, but frosted from tip to almost base. Can I grow with this? My local Hydro store guy didnt know, thought I'd put it out there. and yes I know I know, put it in and test and see. but if anyone knows... Thanx
  12. newbienewb

    FROSTED 400W MH??? Can I grow anything with this?!?!?

    Seen this today and picked it up for CHEAP! It is not clear glass like normal MH, but frosted from tip to almost base. Can I grow with this? My local Hydro store guy didnt know, thought I'd put it out there. and yes I know I know, put it in and test and see. but if anyones knows... Thanx
  13. newbienewb

    Extension cord to run 400W MH

    Can I do this? I will use a heavy duty cord, just dont know if it can handle it. also would like to run the two fans off of it as well.
  14. newbienewb

    The last CFL max lighting question

    Thanx alot, that makes me feel better.
  15. newbienewb

    The last CFL max lighting question

    I have done the readings, and am currently running a little less than 200W and having a good grow so far, with no meltdowns. What is the maximum wattage I can wire up and get out of one plug? Im new and a little retarded when it comes to electrical, so I dont understand the math. watts...
  16. newbienewb

    Homemade CO2 Enriched water????

    I have used this method with success. Not anything to start a new thread about, but am seeing significant growth with no nutes. I was using one small CO2 cannister per 2L water, however, gonna change to a lesser dosage so it lasts thru the grow. Good luck everyone. Fack I love this.:blsmoke:
  17. newbienewb

    Unusual effects from switched lighting schedule

    Its only been a week. But still going to be 10 days or so. Could I put veggin bulbs at the end of my light unit, n move my clones over to that side. I dont want to do that as I am trying to finish off the moma using strictly 6200 and 6500.
  18. newbienewb

    Unusual effects from switched lighting schedule

    OK, I had to move my wifes outdoor sativa inside to finish it off. So now all my sproutlings, clone attempts and aero garden transplants are living happily together in the same space. After we harvest the moma plant, will it really fack up my newbie plants if I switch the light from 12/12 to...
  19. newbienewb

    How many CFL lights do I need?

    Dude Do some surfin here and chk everyones grow in the CFL section. Theres is so many, and of all differnt types and configs. For your two plant grow, try a 4 bulb 23W CFL's (6500 for veggin, 2700 for flowerin) if it'll fit. I had those only runnin for the last 10 days and there was...
  20. newbienewb

    Homemade CO2 Enriched water????

    I did a test fire and seen no oil, so I shot a full cylinder into 2litres of water and fed everyone. If it works out I'll post back for sure.