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  1. J

    heat problem please advise

    aint got any more for now, spent 25GBP on these 2 seeds, trial and error as they say, but each time, proving a costly mistake, wanting to wait till next friday, then if still nothing has come up then il order some more. as you say, hopefully they are just slow growers. ive had the light cycle at...
  2. J

    heat problem please advise

    thanks for the fast reply, im buying this once i know they will grow; just dont wanna waste money on a lost cause, being its a stealth grow the area at the moment is small as of which i intend...
  3. J

    heat problem please advise

    germinated 2 seeds last weekend and planted them tuesday. put the light on them (CFL 20w) and come thursday they hadnt come above the soil, so i checked the soil temp and it was cold so i put the light further down for however which heated the top however soil further down was still cold, so i...
  4. J

    reflectors?? thinking of getting the above, however growing on a budget so wanting to obiously spend as little as possible, however im willing to pay the extra if it will really help my plant? the grow...
  5. J

    anyone from uk?

    thanks for the fast replys. yeah, rhino seeds seemed appealing, i think this may be a winner, just need to get everything else ordered then get the seeds. thanks guys.
  6. J

    anyone from uk?

    i am looking to purchase some seeds, however have never ordered seeds online before and am very skeptical about the reliability of some places, can anyone from the UK please recommend any reputable online stores.