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  1. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    Peace and happy growing to you brother.
  2. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    I think there is a lesson to take away from all of this. Don't get sucked into internet forum drama that doesn't directly concern you. People only have bits and pieces of the whole story. Unfortunately this forum can delete and censor anything they want to. I'm not saying it's wrong or...
  3. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    You don't. You only have what I say here to go by. Tell me this, have you ever seen me fuck with anybody?
  4. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    You don't have the whole story bro. Believe me if you knew what all luda had done you'd feel differently.
  5. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    So, are we done here or what?
  6. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    Look man I've moved on. I tried to warn luda about what he was doing. He chose not to listen. He thought he was above the law. He wasn't. And he paid for it by getting himself banned. I did absolutely nothing wrong and got banned. I was accused by RIU of creating multiple accounts to...
  7. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    Be careful about impressions my friend. They can deceive.
  8. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    He would usually pick someone out and fuck with them and get them all worked up and get into a confrontation with them getting them banned. Up until a couple of days ago him and fdd were good friends. fdd finally saw through his shit as well.
  9. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    Look Geo. I don't know what all luda told you about me, but I can tell you it was probably mostly bullshit.
  10. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    I have to say that I believe you, yes. I've seen what he (luda) does. It was the same shit he pulled on you.
  11. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    I see a lot of people on here defending Luda. He was not what he appeared. Yes he was helpful. Yes he was cocky. But he was also backstabbing and a liar. He deserved what he got.
  12. D

    Don't Listen To the BS!

    I've been watching all of this and laughing my ass off. Luda got me banned because I disagreed with him. And he obviously told you that I was involved in the spamming. Not true. He got me banned for no reason.