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  1. Lovin'JK

    Well Here Goes

    I don't mean to piss you off, but your plants would be twice as big and healthy if you didn't keep over watering them. Let the soil dry. Plants grow the most with more o2. Im guessing you know this. Again not telling you this to piss you off, just an observance I think you can see in EVERY one...
  2. Lovin'JK

    Well Here Goes

    If you back up on the water, they will recover faster.
  3. Lovin'JK

    Well Here Goes

    Over Watered, More Nitrogen, subbed
  4. Lovin'JK

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    Hows the cure coming?
  5. Lovin'JK

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    Pictures? :bigjoint:
  6. Lovin'JK

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    Im dying for an update. :)
  7. Lovin'JK

    Average Yield per Plant (dry) Indoor

    First grow was shit and I learned alot here at RIU. If you get your shit down youll get around 1/2 to 1 G/Watt and thats easier said than done. Second Run: 178 G's dry (2 Plants) Medical Seeds 1024 Strain, No co2, DutchMaster Lineup, 400W HPS in 4 x 4 space. No LST, Scrog, Top or Fim.
  8. Lovin'JK

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    Any pic updates? I wanna see these girls!
  9. Lovin'JK

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    Scribed Scribed
  10. Lovin'JK

    carbonated water ?

    Sounds to me more like a high school science experiment. Not anything that can be directly related to Marijuana.
  11. Lovin'JK

    1000 watt in 4x4 tent

    hgkdehs is right. Listen to him.
  12. Lovin'JK

    Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC

    Im still following. Its so funny. I have virtually the same setup as you, and have been going through the exact same setup and design decisions as well. I even have the dual level veg setup EXACTLY the same. Im also a young guy myself so following along your Journal is almost like looking in the...
  13. Lovin'JK

    2000w Purple Kush 106 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG

    Fatmans a Hater, shit im about 4K in my 4x4 Tents as well! Rock on my fellow tenters! This shit is NOT Cheap buddy. Plus I like having an environment in an environment if ya dig ;)
  14. Lovin'JK

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    Great End, fantastic Yield good job
  15. Lovin'JK

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    Yea I have two 10 Gal Rez's and the plants use about a 3 gallons between both of em daily. Im just going to top off with a 1/4 strength solution to see if thatll not overfeed them.
  16. Lovin'JK

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    The Yield your achieving is amazing. Im going to build a bucket system to try here soon. A while back a buddy gave me some MK Ultra to try and it was simply amazing. BOMB BOMB congrats man.
  17. Lovin'JK

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    Thats real easy to remember, thanks
  18. Lovin'JK

    5gal. bucket~ DWC ~CERES PURP

    I agree. Seeds that sink to the bottom are not bad. Infact, I would say 3 out of 5 seeds I germ sink to the bottom and I have an outstanding setup with 100% Success. Hahaha I have that Christmas Skunk Train on order too! To PurpDaddy: Nice sprout! Will you be using advanced techniques and what...