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  1. jhannsz

    How to change my display name?

    O.k. It wont matter that its the same e-mail address will it?
  2. jhannsz

    How to change my display name?

    O.K. So how do I cancel this account. I am very new here. Oh and just so we are all on the same page, My picture is not of kiddie porn. I would never even think of putting a nude picture of a minor up. That is Emily18. and I think she is more like 19 or 20.
  3. jhannsz

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey all. Best site in the world here. I have a question, how do I change my display name that you all see me as?
  4. jhannsz

    How to change my display name?

    I am new to this site and I want to change the name that appears when I write stuff. Can someone tell me how to go about doing this? Thank you so much.
  5. jhannsz

    I have a pic. What kind of bug is this??

    Man it looks kinda similar to a lady bug only its wings are not hidden by a shell. It was probably in the soil. Thats a chance you take with soil. You never really know whats inside the dirt. Lady bugs I have been told are a natural pesticide. They will eat the other bugs that are on your plant...