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  1. Q

    Ram's Horn

    I am still dealing with this despite ph being fine and flushing ..etc. etc. Just now I was browsing photos of NYC diesel and I notice the same "clawing" or "rams horn as i've heard it" even in these photos which seem to be perfectly good plants. Could this be something that is natural for...
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    Ram's Horn

    Growing in soil (fox farm ocean forest). 4th week of flowering ph 7.0 advanced nutrients 2 part, hygrozyme, big bud, carboload ppm 1000 temp 75-80 humidity 40% Older leaves are fine. New growth is dark green and curled under like ram's horn. Flower production delayed. I see no typical...
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    QUick mature/off schedule.....confused

    I have a strain of NYC diesel I'm growing....This will be my second batch. The first took about 10 weeks and I thought I harvested a little early. I planned to next go to 11 weeks. I got lazy and havent kept an exact calendar (lesson learned) but I know this batch is maturing quicker...
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    I'm simply NOT going to read through 214 pages. I'm very interested in PM's from successful DFW growers who i can ask advice, chat with ..etc. etc. I'm currently on a NYC Diesel binge.
  5. Q

    Still dont "get it." Same ol' Nute burn or deficiency question

    I have been a little lazy. My first grow with this NYC diesel went so well. I kept a feeding schedule, everything went great. So now I just sort of "eye" how far the plants are and feed accordingly. I'm not even 100% sure exactly where I'm at in the flowering could be anywhere from 5-7...
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    Still dont "get it." Same ol' Nute burn or deficiency question

    If someone could just confirm that it doesnt look like nute burn..I will just flush with some ph'd water, and up my nutes. Of course, if you notice anything particular; Any advice would be appreciated. So far along..hate to have things go bad now.
  7. Q

    Still dont "get it." Same ol' Nute burn or deficiency question

    Strain NYC diesel soma seeds farm ocean forest advanced nutrients bloom/big bud/carboload sensizyme, hygrozyme, bloombastic ph, 6.0-6.5 ppm around 1000-1200, my last batch of NYC diesel took 1500 with no problems. Week 6 of 10-12 Old large fan leaves are turning purple/brown between...
  8. Q

    I've concluded that it's likely a nutrient lockout from root rot. I have gently removed dead...

    I've concluded that it's likely a nutrient lockout from root rot. I have gently removed dead roots, flushing with water and florashield. My system is on timers: Once in the morning and once in the early evening. The guy at my local hydro shop says he thinks the rot could be from...
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    Please help

    Yeah well, upon investigation, my roots are nasty looking. So i'm guessing this is a nutrient uptake issue for sure. Are there any products I can use that might reverse this if not too late? I've physically removed some of the rotten roots that easily come off. I am going to my hydro...
  10. Q

    Please help

    Yes, those pics are full size. Uploading raw images directly from iphoto doesnt produce good images.
  11. Q

    Please help

    Sorry about pics, these should be better if they fit. The leaves are curling sometimes in both directions. Just today notices necrosis. I'm not sure the name of the system as in...I just refer to it as a drip system. I'm not familiar with all the different types (ebb and flow etc. etc.)...
  12. Q

    I've seen you have been a lot of help to people. I'd lov eto show you pictures of my plants...

    I've seen you have been a lot of help to people. I'd lov eto show you pictures of my plants and tell you the setup and issues I'm having. I'll explain now, and get you pics in whatever way you'd like to receive them: Indoor hydroponic drip system on timers once in the morning once at night...
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    Please help

    The ppms werent that high all was 1200, then i noticed problems just a few days after that jump up to 1200 (from lower but i'm not sure where exactly) and did a res change with added cal-mag. As far as flowers, they are small, on the plant tops, will be forming rapidly starting now...
  14. Q

    Please help

    ppm was 1200. What more info would you need? What i meant was...It has been 3 weeks since I switched to 12/12. Flowers are just now starting to form. No light is getting in during dark hours.
  15. Q

    Please help

    I've read up on all I can find but I'm still having this problem: Yellowing from the bottom up (mag?). Height is stunted. Leaves die and curl upward. smaller growth/leaves on bottom of plant all die. I have a hard time believing this is nute burn but maybe i'm so obsessed with a possible...