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  1. H

    e-longated crown? anyone know what it means will give rep 4 help

    tanks man so even if its totaly budded huh. thats wicked bad but good 2 know i need a better spot thanks.
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    e-longated crown? anyone know what it means will give rep 4 help

    1. a few of my outdoor girls have like a longated top (the very top). it looks kinda like what happens wen u reveg a plant i can basically see the stock now instead of just bud. anyways it looks like crap like the bud's thinning even the trichs dont seem as nice as before, and the bud leaves ar...
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    smelly bud! help!? overfed? ruined?

    aww thats fucked up im prety mad right now could it be from overwatering. this hurts man, the roots were kinda brown an smelled earthy now i think about it -inside the bud smells good but the outside is skunky probly from emulsion hopefully i guess i wont have any smokable shit 4 a while oh...
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    smelly bud! help!? overfed? ruined?

    shit thats a relief i hope ur right,, good answer sir. thanks man
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    smelly bud! help!? overfed? ruined?

    the bud itself used to smell awesome but now it smell awesome an d like dog shit/algae/ mildew. I started them up in march, theyre outdoor and ben budding for a little under a month. ben fertilizing w/ fish emulsion fuck i think i over did it. i looked at the roots they seemed alright and...
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    will they be ok? please help?

    The crops have an algae smell, been budding 4 about a half month. i should go easier on fertilizing w/ fish emulsion,just plain water for a while. anyways need advice will they be ok, or inedible please help!?
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    has anyone ever tried cloning a branch w/ bud onit, would that work or just become a piece of crap?
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    i really need advice on regenerating

    My plant is budding and i want to save this strain because its awesom do i have 2 regenerate it first ?
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    cloning help

    right on thnks 4 the input
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    cloning help

    how small is to small to clone a branch, my grow has tiny branches coming out, about a half inch in length. too small? any input is appreciated
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    What Shame...How to Lollipop?

    y not the fan leaves?
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    This is how you LSL (low stress lollipop)

    dude that is awsome how the fuck do you do that
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    early flowering

    theyre only like a foot tall ithink theyre small 4 theyre age.
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    i got leaf miners

    anyone know how to make these bad little monsters go away:-(:leaf:
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    branch problm.

    one of my plants two branches r shooting up above the top of the plant. ive only seen this when the top was cut off what should i do?
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    early flowering

    to keico, they been vegging 4 a month now but theyre outside getting 12-12, looks kindof like there bout to top out and start flowering. so im going to put some fluoros on them during the night,hopefully it can turn the tide and theyll want 2 start shooting up b4 flowering. thnks 4 the help
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    early flowering

    what is early flowering why does it happen?
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    10/14 is what my plants get and there outdoors. worried they might flower early , last time i checked they had 7 nodes and theyre a month old.
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    aerial surveys

    whoa, mine r in black pots I better color them green somhow. thnks
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    aerial surveys

    anyone know about aerial surveys