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  1. C

    Someone ripped us in the middle of the night>>>>

    doitinthewoods, damn good point, I had never thought of donuts and antifreeze, I have seen small amounts of antifreeze on the ground kill a dog in less than 24 hours. and to sacrifice your dog for a plant that really anybody with water can grow is crazy.......guess I might rethink some stuff...
  2. C

    Someone ripped us in the middle of the night>>>>

    yeah, them little ankle biters, I have a kelpi and a lab, all they have to do is bark, the thieves will leave unless they know your dog, lol
  3. C

    Someone ripped us in the middle of the night>>>>

    as good of an idea as floodlights are, if they come on too often it could pull them out of flower stage.
  4. C

    Someone ripped us in the middle of the night>>>>

    I totally got ripped last year, I boosted up my parimiter fence another 2 feet, put the dogs in the back yard and only problems I have this year is those little green damn caterpillar looking things. they took most of all of my little one and over half of my big one (the thieves) and they came...