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  1. F

    please help

    What caused this burn
  2. F

    just transplanted

    I just transplanted in 1 1/2 gallon pots how much and often should I water
  3. F

    Help! Cotaledon turning brown

    my 2 day old sprout has a brown spot on it's leaf, I'm mysting them everyday and have them under a 70w mh on a 18/6 schedule. am I overreacting or is this normal. Please someone assist before it's too late.
  4. F

    sprouts in a humidity dome

    Its been 3 days since I planted my germinated seeds. I have 5 gh tw and 1 la woman, in a humidity dome under a 70w mh light. 2 of the tw have sprouted, so do I take them out of the dome so they can begin receiving fresh oxygen or leave them in while I wait for the others to sprout
  5. F

    Metal Halide or HPS

    I've been doing my research for the last three weeks, and have started my grow. Now I have 2 questions that I can't find answers for. 1. I recently read on another site that using a mh and hps simultaneously during vegging was the most beneficial way to light your grow room. What do you all...
  6. F

    Its time: First Grow Journal:LST,150 Watt HPS,and Daily Updates(cause I have no life)

    I'm waiting on my babies to germ at the moment, so we seem to be in the same place for now. Do you think it's too early to use nutrients such as ffbb
  7. F

    is it safe to germinate seed and start it off in fox farm ocean forest right away?

    What about roots organic, my question is similar just different soil. Has anyone tried that