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    Kali MMG1, Philippines mystery seeds.

    heres sum new pix from today. just got my veg cab set up and running. my first two plants to show roots are now in the DWC Bubble system. maybe for 2 weeks. ill see how things go first. i no heats gunna be an issue, i dont have my exhaust setup yet, only passive intake n exhaust holes so far...
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    Kali MMG1, Philippines mystery seeds.

    Does n e 1 know y the leaves would be curlin down like this? Humidity, heat? Any thoughts might help. Theres no discoloration or drying. Jus curling. Thanks
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    Kali MMG1, Philippines mystery seeds.

    Ok so heres Day 4. temps - 80-85 in my clone cab light - 18w T8 1300 lumens 24/7 i was wondering if any1 knows why the leaves are curling? is it too much humidity? but anyway the growth is great compared to some journals ive seen on day 4 from sprout. 3 blade set should probably be out by...
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    Kali MMG1, Philippines mystery seeds.

    Day 3 n i found out the temps in my clone/seed cab is about 85 n im pretty sure it stays humid in there only kuz when i open the door u kould seriously feel the moisture kome out.. Pix posted soon.. But not much to take pix of yet... Peace
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    Bubble Cab

    Hell yea, simplicity is the key to success. Every1 wants the biggest n the best (materials, plants thats a givin.) i guess u kan kall this a semi budget grow. I think im still under a set cap i gave my self for costs. Thanks for stoppin by joshyguns. Peace
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    Bubble Cab

    Ha ha, yup i kno the cabs ur talkin about... But instead of buyin those cabs i went to homedepot n jus picked up the white faced cabinet wood, it was 11.67 for a 2 x 8 foot peace n i needed about 4. Plus wood screws n wood glue n 6 hinges at $5 for two. Spent maybe 70 bucks ya kno. But i did see...
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    Bubble Cab

    Thanks for the words boodacious, im tryin.
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    Kali MMG1, Philippines mystery seeds. my plants survived almost 24hrs. heres a few pix just for the hell of it. also a pix of the seeds i will be using durring the course of this journal.
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    Kali MMG1, Philippines mystery seeds.

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    Kali MMG1, Philippines mystery seeds.

    here are a couple of seeds that have sprouted in 24hrs. i have no info on them other than they r from the philippines. they have been in rockwool for 24hrs under the 18w with unknown temps. i gotta get on top of things. still gotta set a few things up for this to work correctly. peace:joint:
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    Kali MMG1, Philippines mystery seeds.

    was deciding if i should start now or later. but better now than later, either way. this will be my 1st posted journal. im not gunna be to specific after today, but will update pix once a week. Seeds are from the Philippines. My cousin picked them up for me the last time he was there. should...
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    Bubble Cab

    :joint:Here we go. almost time to start a journal. heres sum pix of sum seeds from the philippines that just sprouted. only 24 hrs in the seed/clone cab. still havent setup my dwc vegg bubbler, but soon enough.. probably monday as well as the exhausts and mylar for all cabs...
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    you could either place rockwool in clay or place rockwool in pots then clay. doesnt mater cuz ur tray is so large. it looked like you had a tube to the right of the tray in the pix...
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    if seeds/clones dont let them dry out. keep them fairly moist. as they get older, roughly once a day with a spray bottle depending on your setup... like me, im doin bubble head stuff, so my rockwool would and should always be wet by the air stone n bubbles...:joint: EDIT/ i just saw your...
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    Bubble Cab

    alright, so i got my 18w T8 in the clone cab as well as the 100w MH in the vegg cab hooked up. no exhaust yet. the MH is not that bright in the pix. B4 the pix i didnt give it time to warm up... comments / suggestions welcome...
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    Net pot / rockwool with clone / fill in unfilled portion of net pot with clay pebbles
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    Bubble Cab

    :joint: Alright, so i built my cab, assembled and everything. all i got left is the lights and exhaust. Plans for the inside are to, put up 100W MH floodlight style for vegg., put up 250w HPS for flower, and 1 single 18" 18w t8 for clones. my exhaust is going to be a custom built fan tube "for...