My plants are dying and im having some trouble figuiring out why. they are new clones, only about 2 inches tall but they are just slowly dying.
My light is a 400w mhs and its about 2 feet above the plants.
the boxes temp is 78-80 when the light is on.
i have a vent fan blowing the air out...
ok cool, I thought that would be the problem, but not having prior experiance i wanted to make sure. I stopped running the vent because i need an extension cord to run it, bummer deal that a plant had to die over it. thanks guys
Hey everyone, first time grower and poster.
I just built a closet grow box that can hold between 6-8 plants and allows them to get around 3 feet tall. I put one plant in there last week just to do a test run and I seem to have run into problems.
Im running a 400w in the box with a vent fan...