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  1. Bieri

    three leaves and no buds?

    Did you mean three parts to an individual leaf? Or three on the entire plant?
  2. Bieri

    I'm Bored

    Aye, the red eared one, same kind i had i think. The funny thing is he never learned to just not go in the water when the fish was out. It's like he liked being pushed through the water. Not like a simple fish could get through the shell anyways.
  3. Bieri

    I'm Bored

    I forget, are they very aggresive to each other? Or just other fish/stuffs.
  4. Bieri

    I'm Bored

    OK, so the best combo for a fish tank if you dont want to many fish, is the Jack Dempsey, and i swear to god just a lil turtle. Like the ones you would see any place. Dont know if you can just bring em home and keep em now, but when i did it im pretty sure it wasnt illegal... My aquarium was...
  5. Bieri

    Favorite baked movies

    Lady Killers is one of my favorites. It's deff. the most ironic movie i've ever seen in my life. Halarious...however my friends hated it : (. So i guess it's totaly preference.
  6. Bieri

    Do you remember the First Time?

    Man, when i was younger my best friends dad grew and mine would smoke right in front of me. I wouldnt say it drove me to smoking as well, started like this. It was 5 years after i moved into my new town and many new friends had been made. Many lost. Fun years in retrospect looking back...
  7. Bieri

    kief and its usages

    It's pretty damn easy to make a nice batch of like 16 cookies, take the amount of butter or whatever, and melt it, pour your stuffs into the butter and stir untill the little bits of weed brown. And then let it cool again so your cookies dont start cooking as soon as you add the butter. I do it...
  8. Bieri

    BLACKOUT! 30 minutes

    Heh, I totaly thought the same thing. When i smoke to much i just sit and can't move, sorta space out. Hope your grow turns out great Purple:hump:
  9. Bieri

    BLACKOUT! 30 minutes

    If you get a little more dark in the light hours i dont think it matters, or, at least not as much as if you get light in the dark hours.
  10. Bieri

    Tips For My Plant

    :mrgreen: Nevermind. Tested this theory with some random dank i happened to have. And it was pretty much impossible to tell :-?
  11. Bieri

    germination problems

    Does the soaking help them grow after placing them in the towel?
  12. Bieri

    Grinding... without a grinder?

    Well, it spins the ground weed around at a very high speed inside the blender/grinder. He claims that the crystals broken off from the rough grinding stick to the side somehow and seperate them from the plant material. This leaves just the thc on the side, so it filtered it right? Just wondering...
  13. Bieri

    Tips For My Plant

    Do you need to have the microscope? Would it be possible for me to use a magnifying glass and a lil light instead?
  14. Bieri


    Even if there are more poeple hangin around here, i doubt it increases the chance we'll know the answer seeing as it's nooby central, lol. Might wanna try were they actually talk about it : P
  15. Bieri

    germination problems

    So what does this presoaking actually do? Does it increase how fast they seed after you put them in a towel? Or does soaking them make them have a greater chance to germinate after you put them in the towel. So far to my understanding it doesnt seem very important to do this.
  16. Bieri

    Welcome New Members!

    Heya everyone, names Bieri. Just stopping in to say hey and introduce myself, seeing as i hope to be around a good amount : P. A while ago i was getting a type of weed i hadnt had before and liked it a lot. The bags that i had also contained little seeds! (The epiphany arrives) and i decided to...
  17. Bieri

    Grinding... without a grinder?

    I heard recently from a friend that grinding it in a blender also "filters" it using the centrifuge qualities of it? Does it actually work like this? Because putting it through my lil hand grinder and it's filter is not very effective in my opinion.