Search results

  1. L

    Cannabis Biology?

    Let the record state that I do NOT grow Marijuana. This is for informational purposes only. Anyway... in my microbiology class we were talking about Telomeres and how they limit the lifespan of organisms. Every cell division the telomeres get truncated until they get so small the DNA falls...
  2. L

    Legal vs Reality

    Why does EVERY defense lawyer\article on the internet recommend asserting your rights then? Anyone else??
  3. L

    Cloning and Telomeres

    Let the record state that I do NOT grow Marijuana. This is for informational purposes only. Anyway... in my microbiology class we were talking about Telomeres and how they limit the lifespan of organisms. Every cell division the telomeres get truncated until they get so small the DNA falls...
  4. L

    Legal vs Reality

    I've been doing some reading lately on my legal rights. I haven't been pulled over in over a year, but when I was in the past I always allowed the police to search my car. I knew for a fact I had nothing in my car (well a seed\stem once). The same cop who found the seed\stem actually let me go...