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  1. B

    making hash from the leaves - ice cold water extraction

    how long do you recon it would take to evaporate off the water. I assume this would just be a cool breeze blowing over the water as opposed to any heat which would degrade the THC. Would this go bad or anthin if i left it lying around for a few days
  2. B

    first grow- could use some help

    My advice would be stick with the 250watt CFL idea for now, dont use the HPS until after you switch to 12/12 light cycle, its best to use this for bud only - they really like HPS, a vegging plant will prefer the CFL It depends on your strain, which determins the smell. My last plant kind of...
  3. B

    making hash from the leaves - ice cold water extraction

    Hi all, I just harvested one of my lovely female plants, its just drying out now i cant wait to smoke it after waiting patiently for so long! I have gathered up all the trimmings, leaves and little suger leaf cut offs and using the ice cold water extraction method, I cut it all up real fine and...
  4. B bad germination

    Just letting you guys know the update. Out of a pack of 12, 1 seed germinated and appears to have excellent genetics, growing very fast, sprouted in 6 hours. Its 2 weeks old now, but it is very good, I think I just got lucky! :) Anyways, thanks for your help guys, I'll never use...
  5. B bad germination

    Just wondering, does anyone have any experience with the seed bank? If so, what were your germination rates? surely I can't be the only one with this problem...
  6. B bad germination

    I'm growing with soil. I just left them into rockwell and kept them damp, because I'm pretty sure those 4 seeds are dead, if they weren't dead when I got them. If they crack or make any change, I'll take them out of the rockwell. I'll try get some jiffy plugs in the headstore. I'm starting to...
  7. B

    Could we please stop living under the assumption that everyone here is male?

    Usually, whenever I say "man", I don't necessarily mean male. "man" has really just turned into a slang term, and if its used in a certain way, it can mean a completely different thing. For example: "Man, I fell really sorry for you" That doesn't mean I'm describing you as being a male...
  8. B

    First grow

    Yep. A hermaphrodite plant only gives female and hermaphrodite seeds, so seed banks just sell them together as feminized seeds. I could be seriously wrong with this, this is just something I overheard.
  9. B bad germination

    I've got 8 more. Yeah, when I first got them, I thought a few looked mutant, and a few looked immature. Can anyone recommend a good "budget" seed bank? Thanks for your help.
  10. B bad germination

    Hmm, I've used two different methods for these seeds. For the first two, I've placed them in between two wet paper towels between two plates and left for a week, checking on them every day, and no luck. I put the other two into two different glasses of distilled water, that was kinda warm, and...
  11. B bad germination

    Hey Everyone, First time grower here, just got white widow seeds from I've tried every method of germinating these, I've tried to germinate 4 of them and none will germinate. I've tried the 2 plates method, the cup method and I've left them for a week, and nothing at all...