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  1. Mr Tambourine Man

    Liberals Hate Success

    What's the point of government, then? If the private sector always does a better job, why have a government? To repeat what I just said, it's not an either/or issue--some things the private sector objectively does a better job at (making shoes and TVs), other things they don't (avoiding the...
  2. Mr Tambourine Man

    Liberals Hate Success

    America is more economically liberal/socially conservative than most of the advanced democracies. To that extent, we are "exceptional." Historically, we were way ahead of the democracy curve as well. I don't think we're exceptional in any other sense, though.
  3. Mr Tambourine Man

    Liberals Hate Success

    Success benefits society by incentivizing people to start companies and find cures for diseases and do a lot of other wonderful things from which we all benefit. Taxing success also benefits society by making government's existence possible, funding police and other services...
  4. Mr Tambourine Man

    how loud is a typical 87-107 cfm fan?

    Hey, I'm ordering this grow box for $100 and the guy described the fan as "not one of those quiet computer fans. It is rated 87-107 cfm." But he didn't have a sound rating. Anyone know how loud a typical fan like that is? I want it to be kind of stealthy. Thanks!
  5. Mr Tambourine Man

    Liberals Hate Success

    Is it me or does he create a straw man in the same sentence he attacks others for doing so.
  6. Mr Tambourine Man

    Liberals Hate Success

    That's because you're more interested in railing against abstract "Liberals" than engaging in good faith with other human beings. I read your OP and responded to the small portion that actually was relevant to me and my views.
  7. Mr Tambourine Man

    Liberals Hate Success

    The difference between someone who makes 15k a year and 500k a year is primarily hard work, personal responsibility, and merit. The difference between the guy who makes 500k a year and 500 million a year, however, is primarily luck, having a rich, well-connected family that can mentor you...
  8. Mr Tambourine Man

    My $3 Carbon Filter

    Can I just tape a small "pillow" over the exhaust fan of a PC grow box and will that work well? Thanks guys, and thanks to the OP for this awesome idea!