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  1. ThaDutchieCouple


    i'm a free thinker/atheist, i really don't like to classify myself into any sect.. religion is dangerous because it makes people feel like they have all the answers when they actually know nothing and continue to misinform themselves thought out life not letting other opinions even scientific...
  2. ThaDutchieCouple

    A Gift From God

    I think people are really misinformed about marijuana, and the government likes to scare people to keep it illegal, only broadcasting the negatives about the drugs and not the fact that absolutely nobody has died or overdosed on weed. But yet alcohol is legal, which can kill yourself on easily...
  3. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    I really liked that video, it was a great story she told, she funny.but at the end i thought her outcome was going to be that she becomes an atheist from all the weird shit those door to door guys were saying to her. Good video though.:clap:
  4. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    actually yes without evil, what your left with is good. But there is no good/evil. There is good people who do good things, and bad people who do evil things. What perfect plan? Maybe there was a little mixup on gods spread sheet for the plan of life, because obviously the world is far from...
  5. ThaDutchieCouple

    A Gift From God

    "The Bible speaks for itself. It clearly says that God created marijuana for our use and says terrible things about those who seek to command abstinence or advocate abstaining from plants which God has created. Criminal sanctions command abstinence and are extreme examples of advocating...
  6. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    If god created the universe WHO/WHAT created god? Was he just sitting there for eternity waiting for a big bang to come so he can create animals and humans to walk the planet, to watch over and guide each and every single one of the humans on this earth? Silliness. Since when is god life? I'm so...
  7. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    The problem is that the people who worship the bible do take pretty much everything it says as truth, the word of god himself. The bibles passage about gays and how it forbids has left gays out, almost as if they arnt citizens, around the world. We live in the 20th century and the human race...
  8. ThaDutchieCouple

    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    My boyfriend and I really like: Not afraid of the truth The religious are! These stories they follow are just proof they are afraid of the unknown...
  9. ThaDutchieCouple

    What is Christmas, Really?

    I still love christmas, all the lights in the city and it really seems magial, its only since this year that i've noticed how much jesus is in christmas, but hey i guess the day is for him. My family still gives gifts and has get togethers to celebrate, we are basically like christians, except...
  10. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    Hmmm... I have some questions. Ofcourse god cannot force people to choose him, 'he' has proven he has no force on anything. You may pray for something, or bad things occur on the earth, but how does god show he truely cares when he dosnt do anything about it. You said "He wants you to choose...
  11. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    I dont BELIEVE, but i dont doubt it and neither should others. Atheists are sure there is absolutly nothing out there but how are you so sure? NOBODY knows, so i dont know, and you dont know. there is more proof the deity god dosnt exist than that energy dosnt exist, maybe not a higher power...
  12. ThaDutchieCouple

    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    I think you should mean tattoos in general are stupid not just spirtual or reigious belief ones ( which it isnt because im not spirtual or religious) people get ridiculous tattoos of things that have no significance everyday and i get a tat that has meaning to me its foolish? .....
  13. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    I agree with alot of your thinking. I was raised in christian family, baptized and all. I've gone to church countless times and i can honestly say i resieved nothing from it, or can i remember much except being bored, church was hell. I have no care for organizations such as religions or their...
  14. ThaDutchieCouple

    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    Thank you, I'll defenatly deeply consider getting that quote inked on me forever:lol: I have already found my truth, im not in search for anything.Oh and I will never search for god, it seems christians are the ones who do the seeking, power in numbers i supose:fire:
  15. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    I've thought of that question too. Nobody will know our purpose, but what if its to just EXIST? I mean our planet in my opinion is my God, its truely beautiful and we get to experience so much, in my opionion if you live a long life here, your more than lucky and i would have no desire to go to...
  16. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    I would like to see children learning evolution, science, and the beauty of nature for starters. Children learn the earth was created in 7 days, and basically that the earth is a waiting room until they die, to go to the real party, afterlife. They are not taught the magnificent truths about our...
  17. ThaDutchieCouple

    Religion Poisons Everything

    Religion does poision everything because it is infectious. One person believes, has children, they believe, and they pass it down to the next generation when they have children. Christians knowing that children will believe anything they hear, even if its complete nonsence, make sure to drill...
  18. ThaDutchieCouple

    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    Hi everyone! I have two small tattoos already. I was thinking about getting a short quote representing my thinking. I wouldn't get it for a few years though, to make sure its something i want on me forever. But its something I'm thinking seriously about. If i find the perfect quote i could see...