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  1. B

    NO! On Prop 19

    i think that pot will be treated like alcohol, so ya gotta ask yourself 'do you like what the government has donet o control alcohol?' personally, i dont mind things the way they are now, so i personally wouldnt mind staying where we are at, change could be bad
  2. B

    New to growing and Rollitup

    when topping, will it regrow to the same height? and is it worthwhile to get the 2 crown buds, instead of the single one?
  3. B

    New to growing and Rollitup

    Hey guys, i'm fairly new to this site, and i've been reading a bunch of your forums, finding interesting stories, and good tips, so i thought id post my pic and ask if there's anything i could be doing for this particular plant. first one :-) And also, is there anyway of controlling the...
  4. B

    Yellowing leaves on stretched seedlings.

    blowing a fan on your plants (lightly) will help the stem strengthen