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  1. SkillZ

    Please help !! having room issues i think....

    yea dude...i switched to bottled/filtered water....totally doing better im just trying to hone my cloning skillz :)
  2. SkillZ

    Please help !! having room issues i think....

    doing better already
  3. SkillZ

    Please help !! having room issues i think....

    ok i got nute it up then...i has been decided ...
  4. SkillZ

    Please help !! having room issues i think....

    so if i switch back to filtered/bottled water...ill be good right? my babies will correct themselves???? pheewwwwwwwwwwww
  5. SkillZ

    Please help !! having room issues i think....

    i mean outside its getting about down to frost the room it gets down to about 65 min. maybe 62ish....and ya know i did start out using bottled water...and i have been using the tap water lately....i wouldnt think that 68 - 70 wouldnt be heat stress....and on top of all...
  6. SkillZ

    Please help !! having room issues i think....

    ok guys here you go ..... take a peek
  7. SkillZ

    Please help !! having room issues i think....

    I think i need some help...i just started my new room and have three gems (mothers) going....but heres my issue.... i just moved in and just started to set up my new using a closet on the second floor(which is more of a storage area + my DJ room), i just painted the whole thing flat...
  8. SkillZ

    Where did you guys find your lights?

    do you have Home Depot up there ? i just bought a 200w MH yard lamp and a Heavy Duty Extention cord and cut the end off and wired it right like a champ !! and i spent less than 60 bux !!
  9. SkillZ

    Welcome New Members!

    my guess would be to post more...
  10. SkillZ

    I may need some ideas/suggestions for my new place...

    what up here....just got a new place and now i got a whole bunch of new circumstances for setting up my new room...unfortunatly i am very limited to space and thinking of going with a SOG system but on a small scale because im going into a fresh closet.... the closet(or area i can...
  11. SkillZ

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all...newb to roll...kinda sorta but not really new to growing...but in a new spot with a totally new set of ill prolly have a few questions floating yea....what up !!!!