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  1. DFL420

    Fat kid dance

    Saw this during my wake n bake and damn near fell out my chair. Enjoy
  2. DFL420

    Skyrim!!!!!! AHHHHH

    Yeah the game looks bad ass. I've been watching a bunch of game play videos atm since i don't have any spare cash to go pick up a copy.
  3. DFL420

    What's the longest you've gone without burning one?

    Going on 7 months since I last smoked weed, and still have bout 10 or so months to go before I can smoke again. In a tech school at the moment and they random drug test us. I can't wait to be able to smoke again shit fucking sucks. Now that i'm unable to smoke I have to go back to relying on...
  4. DFL420

    Anyone Play League of Legends?

    Played it along time ago, was fun but haven't checked it out lately. Might have to DL it again and see whats changed, need something to pass the time until Skyrim and SWTOR comes out.
  5. DFL420

    Trance Addict

    I remember one of the first raves I went to, I was bout 4-5 hrs in rolling like a freight train. Heard this song and Forever became in love with vocal trance.
  6. DFL420

    new elder scrolls game

    Yeah cant wait for this game pre-order it awhile ago for pc. Still playing Oblivion as well with a lot mods, tho I can never get anywhere in the main story in games like this. I have way to much fun running around doing side quest for the thieves guild or assassinations for the dark brotherhood.
  7. DFL420

    Sayings/quotes you hate

    Only one I can think of at the moment is "You know what I'm saying" Growing up I knew a guy who fucking said that after every sentence he said, was so fucking annoying
  8. DFL420

    Fucking Earthquake on East Coast

    Hit in Virginia 5.9 magnitude, Felt some of the after shock where I'm at. As far as shit being fucked up no clue
  9. DFL420

    best food to eat while stoned?

    Cherry flavored pez
  10. DFL420

    awesome yet funny dubstep videos

    Not to bad listened to a couple of em. Would have been better with just some trippy ass visuals tho instead of that fuck stick making faces to the music
  11. DFL420

    Three Amigo's Blue Shadows ftw

    ROFL fuckin love that movie, havent seen it in years tho
  12. DFL420

    This Beats For All My Freeks

    Fuck ya man, Tiesto is the shit. Def one of my Favorite trance Dj's
  13. DFL420

    whats your dream gun Would love to get my hands on one of these
  14. DFL420

    Toothpick Throne

    fuckin a I so would have monkey stomped that reporter for knocking that shit down
  15. DFL420

    Favourite porn star?

    Gonna have to go with Kobe Tai
  16. DFL420

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Got a good laugh at this
  17. DFL420

    what are you smoking on right now???

    wish I could smoke right now, I haven't smoked since march and cant smoke again till around this time next year. I'm in a tech school atm and the fuckers pop randoms all the time. And as much as I love to smoke (been smoking 15 yrs or so) not gonna fuck my Education up over it. Tho N.C. is...
  18. DFL420

    Your brain age

    scored a 41, which is 10 yrs older then I actually am oh well lol
  19. DFL420

    urine cleaners

    I've used the drinks and such before and while they do work (most of the time) I've had them work for me but I know ppl who used them and still failed. One thing about them is you have to follow the directions to the fucking T or it will most likely not work. But I'm with MoreMeds I been using...
  20. DFL420

    What is one of your most favorite guitar solos of ALL TIME

    Haven't seen him listed yet (so If he has been sorry) but Slash is fucking beast. One of my fav solos