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  1. B

    How to deal with short roots when starting dwc?

    Hey everyone, I'm starting a new dwc system And I'm wondering how to tackle the problem of short roots when your first starting out. After I make clones, the roots of the clones are far too short to put into the dwc system. Clearly I need the plants to grow for a short period of time to...
  2. B

    Starting new grow!! Need suggestions on an awesome light source (150-200 watts)!

    What I have realized is that the fact is shitty Hps lamps just use more power than well designed ones... especially in regard to lower end lower watt models.. Can anyone recommend me a 150 or 200 watt HID system that doesn't have this excess power consumption issue?
  3. B

    Starting new grow!! Need suggestions on an awesome light source (150-200 watts)!

    Hey all, I am starting a new grow in the next few days. I haven't grown since last year so I will be buying a new setup (most of my old equipment got lost in a move). Will be growing in a 3x3 area. Anyway. I'm in that age old debate CFL vs. HPS I am wondering about the power consumption of...
  4. B

    *PICS* Plants Might Not Make It Through Flowering

    You probably don't have enough nutes.. Your plants are killing them selves to produce extra nutrients to give the buds power. Either begin flushing now and harvest in 2 weeks or add nutrients.
  5. B

    Hydrogen Peroxide

    Assuming that what you are dealing with is your average hydrogen peroxide from the drug store this is what you want to do.. add about a 1/4 cup per gallon of water and spray your leaves with it You can also water with around this amount for healthier buds and dead pests
  6. B

    37 days into flowering and now this!!Need help figuring it out.

    Reduce the amount of nutes you are adding for a few days then resume your normal cycle. IF THE PROBLEM GETS WORSE FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH if it doesn't your good This could be the plant pulling life from the leaves and giving it to the buds.. or it could be nute burn you never know.