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  1. S

    I was wondering if you could help us ........when you have a moment please look at our post...

    I was wondering if you could help us ........when you have a moment please look at our post today in the Indoor Growing section........ Thanks
  2. S

    Most reliable strain.. indoors......problems / concerns

    Need some/suggestions help!! as so far things are not working well........ We have Northern lights, Big bud, Sweet dreams and Fast and Furious growing as MOMS.. all in different stages..... The seeds were obtained at BC BUD which shipped and supplied with no problem at all. Sex has been...
  3. S

    50/50 perlite vermiculite

    We've germinated seeds and placed them in six inch pots with 50/50 perlite/vermiculite. Is this a good ratio, we're finding the mxture is too light and is not holding enough moisture???? Also, is it important to have water with a PH level of 5.5 to 5.8 at this stage of growth? Using 54...
  4. S

    New Seeds Need understanding

    Thanks. I understand lots of plants to worry about... UMMMM I thought that I could germinate these plants and get MALES....I wanted to understand the likleyhood
  5. S

    New Seeds Need understanding

    Hello All ........... What a fantastic informative site. WELL DONE !! I have recently recieved (3) types of seeds that I want to start for indoor grow ( Mothers ):lol: 1. AK NL 2. BM 3 FSD FREE are the KALU SK and ??something A/C I cannot read the ink on the Vile All are in sealed...