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  1. marypane

    Anyone use Botanicare or Humbolt nutrients....

    Hey Yota- I've used both and prefer Humboldt Nutrients Master A & B for a re-circulating system. You can find the feeding chart for it : HERE About 4 years ago, a 20+ year veteran of hydro taught me using the pureblend, and since then I've tried Dutch Master Gold, Technaflora's BC...
  2. marypane

    So who got atitude freebies this month??

    I'm growing Cream Caramel right now - SUPER thick stalk on her. I got last month's deal (5 strains crossed with skunk for 15 free regular seeds) and this month's seeds along with my order for Purple Wreck, WW & Orange Bud (my husband's favorite)
  3. marypane

    Please READ: Denver Stricter on Pot--New Regulations

    Does a grower really need to grow for more than five cards? I kinda agree with the dispensary owner quoted at the bottom of the article. Dispensary owner Miles Zalkin says the city's new rules mean legitimate operations, that help patients suffering from cancer, will stay in business...
  4. marypane

    10.5 weeks flowering... good to harvest???

    I agree with lights. If you want a more stoney high, wait a bit more. If you want an "up" high for during the day/art/hiking, etc harvest now.
  5. marypane

    i dont get temps

    Where are you living? I live in Oregon too, and the temperatures definitely don't stay at 96 all year.
  6. marypane

    impress me for free glass

    A recent painting:
  7. marypane

    10.5 weeks flowering... good to harvest???

    I would flush for a few more days and then harvest. The plants don't need N to plump up, they need K for blooming. The purpose of flushing, is to flush out the plant of nutrients (N being one of them) The leaves SHOULD yellow during a flush, as that is the intention. I would pull off all the...
  8. marypane


    Are you foliar feeding? It looks like the burn marks on your leaves are due to a foliar feed that is too strong for the plants.
  9. marypane

    Penis Power

    Pretty funny stuff, but there is some truth in what she's saying.
  10. marypane

    First Timer Needs help

    You'll need a heater and it would be good to have an environmental controller - one with plugs for a heater and a cooler with a thermostat that you set to turn on the heat when it dips below a certain temp. I really like the C.A.P. systems (custom automated products)
  11. marypane

    grow tent journal. la woman la con sour cream chocoloope

    More pics please. I love the genetics and am growing LA Cheese (LA Con x UK Cheese) and Have some other DNA genetics that I am about to sprout.
  12. marypane

    White Widow

    I REALLY like the Attitude seed bank. I've always gotten my seeds from them and they send a couple of feminized freebies (how many they sends depends on how much you spend) Attitude
  13. marypane

    Need help with pruning / trimming plants

    I disagree! the top has the oldest hormones and is the hardest to clone. You can try to clone the top, but it could take a month before you even see a single root. Which means keeping them happy for a month while they try to switch their hormones from being a branch to being a plant.
  14. marypane

    ITT: your current stash.

    Outdoor Organic White Widow from summer grow. Perfectly cured, tastes super yummy :)
  15. marypane

    First grow 600watt on mover

    Turn your dial to the little flower (tulip) icon. It's for macro shots. You should have a steady hand because your flash SHOULDN'T go off on on a macro shot (to avoid a picture full of shadow)
  16. marypane

    Here I go...

    Hey there - I'm in Oregon as well (the coast) I've been growing for three years and would love to help you in any way I can. Feel free to PM me. Welcome :)
  17. marypane

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    I disagree. Three 600s will do you better. It allows for having the light closer to the plants without burning or heat stressing them. Esp. if you are working in an enclosed tent.
  18. marypane

    Ready or not? here I cut? harvest time, pics included

    Great Job :) I just purchased some Cream Caramel seeds from Attitude. I'm excited to get things popping :)
  19. marypane

    Getting a Card is too easy for ANYONE!!!!!!

    I never said your reason for your card wasn't legit. But telling people to lie to get theirs, hurts the current system in place. If YOU would have really read what I wrote I said that "YES, it SHOULD be legal for all of us" BUT IT'S NOT, maybe your dander wouldn't be up so much. You...
  20. marypane

    Brainstorm Grow (dutch passion) 3rd grow

    So what ever happened with this grow??