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  1. S

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    1st time grower,got 6 plants under 600w hps and the looking sweet. Started flushing this week (week9) and nearly time to chop. Any advise on cutting down, trimming, drying and curing would be GREAT
  2. S

    Is LED the only realistic way to avoid POLICE detection?

    I was concerned about heat detection solined my room with 2" foam insultion that they use in cavity wall, its bomb proof!!!!
  3. S

    what type of hydroponics has he fastest and highest yielding?

    DWC is easy enough as long as regularly check EC and PH.
  4. S

    everyones favorite nutrient line for bubbleponics

    I doing my first DWC and have been using Canna range, Vega + Flores, Cannazym, PK 13/14 and Boost,Is expensive but am blown away by the results.Am on week 8 of flower and reckon im looking at 10oz per 4 foot plant already,gonna run 2 more weeks before flushing