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  1. K

    Kippers grow journal

    Day 7 She is now on 1/4 strength nutes, taking it well so far after 8hrs, no visible sighns of burning.
  2. K

    Kippers grow journal

    Day 6 Observation=Healthy, removed humidity dome, turned off water pump as main root is now well in the water, turned fan on to stimulate strong stem & rattle her titties. Is anyone feeling me!!! bongsmilie :weed:
  3. K

    Kippers grow journal

    I just topped up me rez with about a cup of PH'ed 5.8 & EC 0.5 mixed nutrients thinking that they may get a real small taste of whats to come food wise. The root only has an inch or so to go before shes hits the water so i'm planning on changing rez this coming sunday arvo.:joint: As you can...
  4. K

    Kippers grow journal

    Thanks cbt, yep she is a little female i luv her so muchhhhhhh lol:blsmoke:. It's the aerogarden with 2 lights, along with them i will use a few more 19 -24 watt cfls, keep her from stretching to much & smash her with my 125watt flowering clf in week 3. Got the light on 24/7 and water pump set...
  5. K

    Kippers grow journal

    Greetings Stoners, well my name is kip and i am just starting to grow my precious female lowryder 2 in my aerogarden. So far after pre-germing seed in damp paper towels for 24hrs on teh 29th all has gone well and on day 5 she has her first 2 leaves with the beginnings of her first 2 true...
  6. K

    Water pump

    Thanx to everyone, hey yer i decided to leave pump on, the root is prolly 2" from hiting water then turn off. I noticed it needs sum guidance on way down the root appears get confused. Might just sow me next one straight in next grow. :joint:
  7. K

    Water pump

    Anyone at all know.
  8. K

    Water pump

    Hi can you tell me if i should have the aerogarden water pump dripping constantly when i am germinating seed in pod or just turn it off as i got airstone. I just dont want to ovr water and rot it? Your advice on this would be great as i have 1 fem lowryder 2 in now with root showing pointing...
  9. K


    G'day, Just wondering if sum peeps can give me sum insight. I have GH Flora Nova one part grow for veg and need to clarify something. On bottle for my GH flora nova one step organic grow it has ppm/EC figures for example .7,1.3 for EC & ppm is 300/600 if i want to mix quarter strength do i put...