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  1. leethewarmage

    hey buddy how are you? thanks for helping with my new set up dude. i cant wait to get it going...

    hey buddy how are you? thanks for helping with my new set up dude. i cant wait to get it going and shit. just picked up a really good heavy duty cord to run juice in to judy already got the holes just have to move her run lines hang surge protecter light mounts are in there but didnt want to...
  2. leethewarmage

    Aurora Indica, Purple Urkel, and then some.

    i bet your new light is sick dude. Can wait to get some clones yummy! wish i could fuck them!! ANd then i want some blackberry clones!! YEA YEA!!! keep up good work buddy!
  3. leethewarmage

    Is this a male ?

    two weeks in to flower you can tell better. look for banna clusters insted of the calayx. some have bother i had a hermi that had both i killed the whore
  4. leethewarmage

    Seedling Proximity To Light

    put them couple inchs cfl and fluresent wont burn inless it touchs. cfls are great for seedlings and veg but i wouldnt use them for flower h p s lights are best for flower. i had alot of strech when i left the 4 foot light had about 8 bulbs overthem though it would be enogh but it wasnt so i...
  5. leethewarmage

    Ona Gel/HEPA/Carbon Scrubber for Apartment Grow

    o n a is great dude and dont put it with the buds, for ex- closet in your bed room is the grow room keep that shit in your bed room and do a time sprayer outside your room not filters no ductwork, do the o n a bucketalot more bang for your buck makes that sit last for ever, make sure you get gel...
  6. leethewarmage

    Ona gel in a grow tent ruin smell and/or test of buds?

    never put it in grow room always out side. i have two out side my grow room i am a bit paranoid ( live in a duplex dont trust no one ) will fuck your bud i have had mine out side and i pull a bod off smells fuck stinky smelly little whole so it didnt fuck anythin up. do the o n a bucket look for...
  7. leethewarmage

    ONA gel/pads

    i have 4 hydro plants under a 400 watts h p s light, 2months in to flower almost, the o n a works great. in my hallway i have two ozium auto sprayer( ok at hydro stores and amazon they charge 50 to 70 bucks for two things of ozuim and one of the sprayer things! at wallmart you can buy the air...
  8. leethewarmage

    Beautiful looking harvest but grassy unpleasant aroma

    Does the darkness really work? i read it makes they plump and make a buttload of rezon. i am a new grower havent tested it yet but i plan to next grow. i mess up this grow ended up with two sativas two indicas on male and one hermi, male and hermi were removed and killed off the site. but now...
  9. leethewarmage

    2 weeks old plant problem..

    most of my girls are in hydro, but my nervanna mom plant is in soil. when i 1st started my plants in the hydro set from seed they were about two weeks old and started to do the same thing. so i went to the plant problim guide and it said the prob was Nitrogen and Phosperes i cant spell for shit...
  10. leethewarmage

    Just harvested my Nirvana Master Kush - pics

    good shit man. i just planted one of my fem seeds from nirvana december 12 she is going to be a mom. when i flower some i will post some pics for ya. got mixed bag not sure what i got.( bad idea dont know what i am growing
  11. leethewarmage

    How do you make purple bud?

    my buddy left is basment door open ( the wind blew it) he found it a few days later and one of his plants had turned purple, it was alsomost done. sock treatment can also change your plant colors. befor harvest you give them five days cold water no lights
  12. leethewarmage

    How long do plants veg for?

    i veged my 1st grow in a hydro with 360 spayers for almost two months. that was a bad idea, put them in to veg around 19 inchs for the indicas and 24 for the sativa now i am like 6 weeks in to flower and they are well over 50 inchs. half the space i have is two 34 gallon totes stack so be...
  13. leethewarmage

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    what happens if you dont give them enough nutes? i ave some claw on one of my plants just one out of the four i have in my tote hydro set. i used bag see my frist run so i ave two sativas and two indicas. one satvia looks like poop the others doing great. think it might be b/c my ppm was low or...
  14. leethewarmage

    Leaves curling hardcore...

    do you think it can be caused by not enough nutes? i just uped my ppm to 1500
  15. leethewarmage

    Leaves curling hardcore...

    alot of the smaller branches seem to be getting longer and doing better but now new leafs . will post pics need to batteries
  16. leethewarmage

    Leaves curling hardcore...

    they are staying white and seem to bit a little bit longer but the flower leafs are curling and drying out roots look healthy plants getting plenty off water and lots of air time.
  17. leethewarmage

    Anybody Used Ona Gel????

    i use the o n a gel with soil moist in a 5 gallon bucket with a fan mounted on the top. row room is 4x4 about 8 feet high. i use a 6 plant hydro home built. two 34 gallon totes. 400 watt hps. ozium was working for awhile but cost to much money. i recamend doing the o n a buck that was in 2010...
  18. leethewarmage

    Leaves curling hardcore...

    still doing my 1st grow, i planted 6 random bag seeds in my hydro set, one dude he is dead, the other a hermi it is dead, then two sativa plants and two idica plants made it one of the sativas looks just like your plant i moved it from the light check water ph is 5.8 ppm1500 no mites none of...
  19. leethewarmage

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    uncle Ben, i am having lots of issues, i have some pics wanted to know if you had time to check them out. and new to this website. didnt really want to post them.
  20. leethewarmage

    yo o g! hows it poppin?bitch nigga shit fool.

    yo o g! hows it poppin?bitch nigga shit fool.