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  1. Growlow

    Grow lows back

    Grow lows back
  2. Growlow

    Thrilla in Manilla....1000 watt 12 Autoflower Plants

    Hey bdub been a while......iv been here just taking a backseat for some time....Anyhoo your shit looks all together!!!! props amigo big props!!! just a quick question for you ...was your maxi gom the new auto variety or the regs??? im real intrested in this particular strain and wouldnt mind...
  3. Growlow

    The Real Auto-Flowering Review! w/pics!

    Sappning guys????galls??? Nice looking bud surfhead, i was tempted to try the greenomatic and see what she can do,, you got any pics in growth???i always read the descriptions on the seed database but there averages height/yield etc etc are given for optimum grow enviroments i always find...
  4. Growlow

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Sup scg""" id say given yr location ( land of oz) 16 hours of that sun would far outpower 20 hrs of a134 cfl''' iv grown on 18/6 and they do absoloutly fine, so 2 less hours in the good sun sort of speaks for itself... Theyl do well buddy... wonder what watt the sun is??? now if we could...
  5. Growlow

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Thought id drop sum visuals!! Easys 53 days old...
  6. Growlow

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Sappnin amigo..Autos should flower end of week 3???? Its hard t say with out knowing the strain?? but there r alot of unstable fuckers out there at the min making false promises!! i.e seed to harvest in nine weeks!! when in fact alot of people r having t force them to flower by switching light...
  7. Growlow

    The Real Auto-Flowering Review! w/pics!

    :leaf::leaf:Thought id drop sum visuals...:leaf::leaf: Easys 53 days old and new babys next to them...
  8. Growlow

    The Real Auto-Flowering Review! w/pics!

    sappning Kenji,, surfhead is bang on the money in regards of yield,, i ran some autos alongside sum kush cheese and la woman ( just for an experiment) and flipped the switch to 12/12 on week 4,, They really did not like it AT ALL,,after doing quite a few autos now i could see that i lost...
  9. Growlow

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hey guys anyone had any experience with deimos and big devil??? any info wud b great :smile: G.
  10. Growlow

    The Real Auto-Flowering Review! w/pics!

    Sup kenji,, from my experience and a few other pals id stay well clear of any nirvana auto!!! another seed company cashing in on the trend,, solid reliable strains,,,<auto of course> lowlife,, sweet seeds, the onyx ,not sure of seedbank of hand> and pakistan ryder,, best biggest yielder in my...
  11. Growlow

    DWC 1625w Easyryder: 15 plants

    hahahaha nice scuba!!!!
  12. Growlow

    The Real Auto-Flowering Review! w/pics!

    Hey guys anyone had any experience with deimos and big devil??? any info wud b great :) G.
  13. Growlow

    AK 48 seeds .......... any reviews or info

    Hey buddy by ak48 do u in fact mean easyryder?? low ryder #2 crossed with ak47?! if so check out my journals on them iv grown this particular strain several times and journald them twice albeit iv only ever used feminised seeds.. also r u talking bout the autos?? if so with sound grow...
  14. Growlow

    The Real Auto-Flowering Review! w/pics!

    Hey guys/galls iv been doing autos for a fair while now and i can safely say that easyryders are a good yielding reliable strain...Iv produced over 2 oz of single plants several times... for all you sceptics check out my sig/profile for valid info from other experienced growers and myself ,in my...
  15. Growlow

    Bezelinjah's Hydro Garden (AutoAssasin, Deimos, Fastbud).

    Sappning buddy,,was hoping to see how yr deimos r doing!? Growlow.
  16. Growlow

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Nice one....selaed the deal for me amigo... Growlow.
  17. Growlow

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Sup fdd,, kinda feel a little gay posting in this thread but as the title says its more of a secong opinion im after,, iv done the usual routine checked the trichs,, which are showing cloudy with a few amber running< pretty optimum time i would say> But the buds thereselves are puzzling me...
  18. Growlow

    Auto Easy ryder (ak-47 X Low ryder) T5 light, 1st Grow

    Word........... Good Grow amigo, got the golden touch Growlow....
  19. Growlow

    Nft hydro Easy ryder secret jardin ds120 400whps

    Hey everyone just a quickie will proper update later,, i just wanted a few opinions on my pals plant,, he grew exactly the same method as i but smaller tent and one of his plants looks like a 3 0z monster anyone intrested in easyryders should check out his grow,, hes in this thread username...
  20. Growlow

    Hydro NFT Easy Ryder 400w HPS

    Holy shmokes,,, this was an awsum harvest way more than anticipated and im going to go out on a limb and say that single easy must be club record for individual plant weight.....???Good show amigo Good show.....x.x.x The only question that remains is what size foot are ya coz that is one MONSTER...