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  1. alexuk

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    well done, lb is somewhere near 18oz right? sorry im unfamiliar with the amount of oz's in 1lb lol gl 4 next grow
  2. alexuk

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    nice harvest i would love to have colas too big to fit my hand round, cant w8 on the final w8
  3. alexuk

    First grow closet cfls journal

    yeh should be enough lights if u keep em real close, idunno bout superthrive but look for the npk on the pack u want more n for veg and more p+k for flowering
  4. alexuk

    First grow closet cfls journal

    the fan can be anywhere as long as its not pointing at the leaves, it can strengthen stalk or could be used to keep heat from the light away from the plants, pointing away would also work to circulate the air around the plants. 3gallon buckets are good size, u will want a soil with pearlite in...
  5. alexuk

    My second attempt at a DWC grow with CFL's

    when u do the extraction for the cabinet u want the intake at the lowest possible point and the outtake the highest and as far away from the intake as possible so the air can flow through the plants - if u have ur extraction just above the intake like on ur pic the air wont pass through the...
  6. alexuk

    First grow closet cfls journal

    soil sounds gd, what size pots u using and what soil/pots u gunna use when u transplant to bigger pots, with them lights u got enough lumens to just about cover 2sq ft, are the closet walls near the plants? its good to have either white paint or reflective sheeting to increase the amount of...
  7. alexuk


    agree with your thread 100%
  8. alexuk

    c02 injection (for small grows)

    i think if co2 got into the water of a hydro system it wouldnt do it much good. the system is quite expensive but also very sophisticated so would only be worthwhile on large grows such as a whole room not just a cupboard grow also
  9. alexuk

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    got a 1.2m plant growing atm so height isnt an issue, but if i buy say 6 seeds n get only 2 plants i wouldnt be happy, i think ill go for the ppp as its more stable. im subscribed and will be very interested in ur yield as i plan to do one of these strains 6 plants and top so i get 4 main...
  10. alexuk

    Wonder Woman and PPP Grow

    if u had 2 choose between ppp and wonder woman which would you choose in therms of yield? which should i grow? or should i get half of each? nice grow good luck
  11. alexuk

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    thought i was over/underwatering but i was puzzled coz i been watering with 1 small cup once a day which i thought was reasonable, but now i know its coz its potbound. i didnt wanna move to bigger pot coz its just a cuple weeks off and i dont wanna spend money on a new pot or stress the plant...
  12. alexuk

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    i think the 10-30-10 would be best as plants dont need as much N in blooming and they do in veg but need more P
  13. alexuk

    a couple of grow questions

    i will use better nutes next time but im not spending any money on this grow. have thought of flouros but thought if i partitioned of the closet n opened the door of the non-grow partition and extraction into there then itll work? thx for replies also how many lumens do these give: 250w...
  14. alexuk

    a couple of grow questions

    hey ive got 2 questions, im doing my first grow and its flowering well i am using miracle grow all purpose powder plant food as feed but was wondering could i use tomorite tomato liquid feed, the n-p-k for the miracle grow is 24-8-16, for the tomorite it is 4-4.5-8. which is better for me...
  15. alexuk

    is this the start of the buds forming?

    yeh any light is light if its sunny or not, urs is abit ahead of mine i got probably 10% of the hairs orange
  16. alexuk

    is this the start of the buds forming?

    anything under 12 will work but more light = more bud
  17. alexuk

    is this the start of the buds forming?

    ive heard using co2 when you dont have perfect conditions is pointless, like if u got professional lighting, ventilation and nutrition then it will increase yields by 30% but unless you have those conditions iv heard its just a waste of money. some plants take 3 months to flower but obviously...
  18. alexuk

    About to buy new setup, want to know your opinion :)

    not air cooled its a simple open ended reflector, you dont really need a digital balast just go for a simple one but rest is good
  19. alexuk

    Weight adding ideas

    just dont dry it as much, i dry it to an acceptable level but not bone dry
  20. alexuk

    +rep- - best method for quick taste test drying. week 9 how much longer?

    i use one of those office desk lights that you can adjust the top, stack up aload of cds n put bud at top with the light about 2 inches away, you can have closer for quicker drying but youll burn the thc, after an hour they will go from soaking wet to crispy dry, check them after a half hour...