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    where to buy eskobar seeds

    Oregon Coast Genetics Trippy Hippy aka Shaggy is the breeder It's a known strain in Oregon that he's kept alive in seed form. That's all I know for the moment - hopefully OC Genettics makes a comeback - I've popped a few of his Peruvian heirloom seeds and the smoke is great. I just only...
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    Looks like its on its way - :) I can't tell of any improvements so far. It is the flip and stretch time - then again - I'm bad at distinguishing subtle differences.
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    One day ill get the canopy under control. But as long as I run different strains. That day is far far away lol
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    What's your guys suggestion on light distance. The dude at advanced says keep them fixed so that finishing height is 22" away. I could be wrong about that info the conversation was over a month ago. So. I finally got mine. 3 weeks later - so i had a bit of slow service too - the delay was...
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    Okay. I'm pullin the trigger this weekend. 3 units to replace 2k - probably should be 4 but 3 is what I can afford a this time. I got some good info from the tech guy. From what I gather. It's as legit as any other vendor selling these cmh fixtures. And I believe they've worked with Phillips...
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    I think those vertical hoods are good for growing mushroom tips!!! Lol
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    @lol groerr - have you tried searching "vertical hood" on google? Try it- it was just funny ;)!!
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    Was looking for a "vertical hood" in google search for possibly the 860w. Wasnt what I expected - any thoughts on that search???
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    I tried calling the number listed for the advance link. No answers and I don't like leaving messages. I just wanted to ask the question regarding any RF interference. That combo looks like a deal in comparison. I just wrote an email asking if they knew if it interfered with RF and it just...
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    @ttystikk - guess u snatched up the last 6pack :) good score. I seen a bulb for $75. Better than the Hundo I normally see. But I have no idea if that's with s&h @GroErr will look at that as soon as I finish this visit with a patient of mine. Thanks
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    @ttystikk - so... Where'd you pick up the case for a buck and a quarter. That's what I'm wondering ;) I am due to change my super eyes anyways. I figure ill try these if I won't be changing to 2x315 as a experiment. Cept my current set up is a adjust a wing set up. @growerr - I would...
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    I might just do that - until the verdict is out on the digital and its frequencies messing with cable/telephone. At least I'm still saving - ill just replace a 1kw with two 315w and see if ill replace the other with digi's later on. So... On to that.... You've been pretty helpful this morning...
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    GroErr - that was about to be my third question ;) - but I think if someone answered the first question - it would help me make the decision to grab 400w mags - with socket adapters ?? And Phillips bulbs My preference is spend the $500+ IF the 400mag still runs me 400w with a 315w bulb - i...
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    Phillips Elite Agro 315w T12 CMH in open fixtures - Impressive!!!

    Hi guys - I have a few questions for those who might know or have a sound opinion. These might sound like novice questions - My goal (probably like everyone elses) is to save on my electricity bill but have the performance of a 1kw HPS setup - and of course stay under the radar. First - the...
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    Nutrient Lockout Explained

    so i have a related question - cold temps - creates a phos lockout... makes your plants purple... what exactly will this do to your smoke (harsher/smoother/tastier/nontasty), thc/cbd content - otherwise potency, drying process etc... i've noticed that many people don't like how 'purple' herb...
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    Using an Airstone vs Water Surface Tension for O2

    i'll confirm homebrewers experience with both water pump only and air bubbles only. there's wasn't any real difference in yield/quality... i do have to say there are con's to both methods. one of them as i believe homebrewer mentioned or somewhere in this thread... was that the bubble...
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    How many bubbles for a DWC?

    If you're trying to maximize the area that is covered by the bubbles and buying a bigger air pump is not an option - a simple and cheap cure is a gang valve. it basically splits the outlets of any size air pump. I couldn't say how much air it will spit out - but i'm sure it woudl be fine.
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    Oaksterdam t-5 veg 600w hps flower

    i'm from the Los Angeles area - and i hear mixed reviews about the Oaksterdam clones. Does anyone else have experience with the clones and have unbiased information regarding them? So far i've been using PNC - People's Nursery Care in Long Beach. My plants haven't finished yet, I just...
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    Is Weed Really An Aphrodisiac?

    I've done some clinical trials. The population consisted of 10 females over the time of 12 months. The females were to rate the performance and sexual climax with and without marijuana. Alternating days of sex with, and sex without. Various strains were used in the study to find out if there was...
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    Odor control

    given that this website is for medical marijuana patients i will assume that you are one. Depending on your state you have a maximum amount of plants that you must stay below. If you go over that amount and do not have a good lawyer the house may be forfeited. If anything, keep your grow room...