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  1. R

    Ten foot cages for my HUGE 100 gallon trees !! First attempt at trees going GREAT !!!

    Do you think I suold start to cut leaves off from my girls? They are in flowering for the pass 2-3 weeks.Any one has anything to say about the leave cut of question?Please let me know.O!!!! I'm indoor with the girls.
  2. R

    Ten foot cages for my HUGE 100 gallon trees !! First attempt at trees going GREAT !!!

    Men you are GOD !!!!! very nice job,did you use FLORA NOVA for your babys? how about cuting the leavs of so more light for the lower buds? what do you think?
  3. R

    HPS owners. How do you start your seed?

    Hi U all,guys what's up with the LED lighting? Is it really better than regular lighting?
  4. R

    problematic first grow, new grow room.advice??

    Guys what it the word on LED light compere to HPS lighting? LED is really that much bether?