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  1. m23mark


    hi guys. i have recently bought a drip irrigation system (wilma system). I have always previously grown in soil so i wasnt expecting tyhe best of results for my first attempt using hydroponics and i always messed up by using seeds and they grew way faster than i was expecting eventually there...
  2. m23mark

    Root Riot vs Rockwool

    Alright AA, i not been on here for ages now as not had internet connection, so i will give you a quick update on where i am up to. After my previous attemps at taking cuttings i give up as was having a strike rate of about 5%. so i started growing from seed again. But, now i have 5 healthy...
  3. m23mark

    Was This a Good Idea?

    im sure it was the heat, i had the light about 2 inch above them, but when i moved it to 6 inch for the next ones they did not stretch. I mite start using a CFL without a hood for seedlings but think the kit iv got is fine when used correctly.
  4. m23mark

    Was This a Good Idea?

    im almost certain they strectched due to excess heat..the florescent was too close to them too i think...i need to get a propagator thermometer i seen 1 for a tena in a hydroponic shop
  5. m23mark

    Was This a Good Idea?

    Yea it is a female will put more pics on when its flowering :joint:
  6. m23mark

    Was This a Good Idea?

    Yea defo it just strectched a bit there was a heat wave just after i planted
  7. m23mark

    Was This a Good Idea?

    Thanks for all ya comments and stuff makes me feel better coz i was not sure. I used a 125 watt florescent to start the seeds, in 1m by 1m grow tent with a small fan. I did five first and they were fine then i did some more but there was a increase in temp outside and they strecthed. They are...
  8. m23mark

    Root Riot vs Rockwool

    haha yea me to pal, i have rooted a few different lots using the cubes and have had no problems :-) and i went to hydroponic shop and got some stuff called voodoo juice seems to be doing the job
  9. m23mark

    Was This a Good Idea?

    my seedling streched badly so after potting on i topped it. i hope it will grow bushier lower growth now has anybody had this before should i expect a diminished harvest the plant looks healthy apart from being lanky. any feedback would be great.
  10. m23mark

    Was This a Good Idea?

    my seedling went rather lanky as you can see so after potting it on i topped it to encourage lower bushier growth. Will the plant continue to grow lanky or should it be ok??? any ideas guys i have never had one go this lanky, apart from that its looks really healthy :joint:
  11. m23mark

    Cana Vega/Flora

    Does nobody come on here anymore?
  12. m23mark

    Cana Vega/Flora

    Has anyone used this before? i normally use a tomatoe fertiliser but my local grow shop rated this stuff for soil is it any good?? i am growing big bud XXL - ministry of canabis cheers :blsmoke::?:
  13. m23mark

    New Grow Big Bud XXL

    hi everybody i Just got some big bud xxl seeds today i have never done them before does anyone have any advice for me? i plan to use compost with perlite vermiculite in 15 litre containers fertlise with cana vega/flora 600 watt hps 9 plants per light. does this sound about right? thanks guys...
  14. m23mark

    Has my timer damaged my crop?

    thanks mate im worrying less already
  15. m23mark

    Has my timer damaged my crop?

    So almost 3 weeks into flowering and i notice that, for no known reason, one of my 600 watt hps lights had not turned off after 12 hours. (faulty timer)... it should have gone off at 8am but i noticed at 2pm it was still on. So my plants that have been flowering for 3 weeks have been exposed to...
  16. m23mark

    Root Riot vs Rockwool

    Last time i tried to transpalnt, i put them into 4 inch containers with potting soil and a little perlite, no fertlisers or anything was used i just planted them on a few days after roots showed. I got a 100% strike rate with them (root riot) but only one survived transplanting. My new cuttings...
  17. m23mark

    Root Riot vs Rockwool

    Has anybody any experience using root riot sponges for taking cuttings?? i always seem to get a better strike rate with root riot but struggle when it comes to potting on. With rockwool i dont have as much strike rate but potting on seems easier
  18. m23mark

    Cuttings do not survive transplanting??

    I think that could be what was wrong as when i removed the cubes from soil the cubes were dry but soil was moist! Thanks a lot for that info mate will defo try that when pot them on next time. I was also wondering...the tray that the root cubes came with is white plastic...i would have thought...
  19. m23mark

    Cuttings do not survive transplanting??

    Thanks mate will have to try again....the only thing i can think off is that i transplanted too soon as soil was i fine i normally use the same stuff to grow from seed
  20. m23mark

    Cuttings do not survive transplanting??

    sorry mate i dont have any pics, they looked fine although i must admit i may have transpalnted a little too soon, these were the first cuttings i have manged to root been trying for ages so im gutted they came to a stand still