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  1. N

    Plant Problems, Please help (Pics)

    Thanks guys, I thought I may have over nuted, So flsuhing the soil just soak it in normal tap water right? and yea think its about 4 and half weeks now into 12/12
  2. N

    Plant Problems, Please help (Pics)

    Well as the title says , My leafs are turning yellow and curling up, current setup, Indoor grow, Soil : Coco cana, nutes being used are coco's a and coco's b. This seems to have happened since I added some monster bloom into the feed. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. N

    Leaves turning yellow brown and purple please help!

    That wasn't just from one plant, Got around 35 in there, I'll get pics up 2moro :-) I'll leave them on now :P.
  4. N

    Leaves turning yellow brown and purple please help!

    Ahh its my first grow so abit of a noob, I'll get photos up 2moro of the babys :P
  5. N

    Leaves turning yellow brown and purple please help!

    I'm about 2 weeks from crop and my leaves are turning yellow purple and brownie the buds look awsome all the hairs showing and they look nice and healthly but the leaves are changing colour rapidly! please help! grow is indoors in coco soil. feed using is coco a and b, I was adding monsterbloom...
  6. N

    Please help, first time grow!!

    Thought i'd give you an update on my beautys!! Well chuffed as its my first ever grow :fire:
  7. N

    Please help, first time grow!!

    Whats the best thing to solve this? obviously nitrogen but what could i add to the water , i live in the uk so would need to be something i can buy in my local plant shop or b&q or something lol.
  8. N

    Please help, first time grow!!

    ph balance of feed water is 6, havent checked run off, will also find the type of soil as i have a bag in the room, fertilzer used is coco a and b I belive, i will take pictures of fert and feed, and thanks thought if i was going to do it might aswell do it properly, any suggestions on what...
  9. N

    Please help, first time grow!!

    thanks alot, will have a look see if i can match it up :-)
  10. N

    Please help, first time grow!!

    not sure what you mean, like i said i'm a noob when it comes to this :(
  11. N

    Please help, first time grow!!

    Got a soil setup, I hope they can be solved even if i have to lose some plants.
  12. N

    Very sick, dying plants.

    I'm having same problems with same plants, all looked good untill 3 weeks in, now there going yellow brown at the bottom, I;ve tried everything , the stems have turned purple so I've fed them with high nitro nutes, bottom of stems going green again so hoping it spreads up and they live again.
  13. N

    Please help, first time grow!!

    Hey guys, This is my first grow, I am doing it with a friend who has done a few in attics but never in a grow tent, he hasn't seen the plants like this, They were going all good for the first two-three weeks then the water run out since I replaced it seems to have started to take a downturn...