WOW... thats crazy how much they grew babe! too bad im not there anymore. total gayness =( lol but that camera rocks.. u obviously figured out how to use the damn thing lol confusing. Its crazy how the leafs are turning too, i love it... purple is good =) good job babe, good job ;)
wow dude ur plants are nice. wouldn't mind smokin that lol
but negative on the worms n moths, i dont know about them but those aren't our friends. =(
thats gotta suck.
yay suns good lol, sweet sweet... its been sunny here too but only for the last couple of days. but good their more purple now? =) probably big too... i cant wait.bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
....:hump: hehe
You go to Advanced, then the little paperclip, which is attachments, then u browse for your pics in the folders u put them in... then upload, and boom, you've got em as little thumbnails.... bongsmilie