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  1. J

    PPM Questions

    After possible nutrient overload and subsequent lockout and then nutrient deficiency, I am going to be using clearex tomorrow morning to get back on track. When I apply my next set of nutrients, what ppm level should I aim for? ALso- Does anyone have some general ppm info like what are the...
  2. J

    Timeline Question

    When your plants are showing more red hairs, is this an indicator of maturity or maybe getting closer to harvest? My trichomes are still clear.
  3. J

    Trimming Questions

    Just a few questions for anyone who has some knowledge to spare- When is the best time to trim your larger fan leaves? How many should you trim at a time? Is it bad to trim during flowering?
  4. J

    CO2- Veg vs Flowering

    Hey all, I have heard that people do not use CO2 in the last two weeks of flowering, can anyone confirm that this is good practice? Also, should the amount of CO2 be more or less in flowering than in vegging? I am growing in an aeroponics system. Any one's experience with these issues would be...
  5. J

    Pollen Viability Question

    we had a male open a pollen sac in our last series of plants and gave us alot of seeds, we were looking for more bud , we grow in an indoor tent and and took the whole thing apart hosed it down, scrubbed and wiped down all assoc. equip. but we were unable to clean the inside of our hvac unit...
  6. J

    They survived!

    Hey, for anyone that has had something traumatic happen to their lovely plants, let this be an inspiration to you. Check out my attached pics. I used Revive to bring my babies back from death's door in my aeroponic setup. Thank you for any of those who gave me pointers on my last few posts.;-)
  7. J

    Is my yield going to be stunted?

    Thanks, I guess time will tell. Have you ever had an experience like this where it just took a couple of weeks to get going again?
  8. J

    Is my yield going to be stunted?

    Well, my clones were vibrant in my ez cloner( i had to leave them in there for 4 weeks, and without nutrients) and when I transferred their location from my closet to my tent,Still in the cloner but under a 400 Then something horrible happened overnight. they were severely shrivelled. - I ran...
  9. J

    Is my yield going to be stunted?

    Hello all! I have posted a few questions throughout my first grow, and now on my second. And yes, here is another one. My female clones suffered great damage when I transferred them and they are barely coming back to life. If I do get them growing at normal speed again, will my end yield be...
  10. J

    How long till my clones start regrowth

    Oh yes, I do have a ph pen. i don't have a ppm though, it is on the list.:weed:
  11. J

    How long till my clones start regrowth

    Thank you for replying. I don't understand why all are telling me to put them in dirt. i think they would really die then. These clones have been in the aero cloning machine their whole life and are now in the big aero. These are 1st gen clones from plant I grew from seed. I have never used...
  12. J

    How long till my clones start regrowth

    Hehe, I did, he went awol. Left me out in the cold. Here are pics. I have 4 larger plants and then like 5 smaller ones, and have provided a pic from each category.
  13. J

    How long till my clones start regrowth

    Hello all! I am a newbie. My clones got shocked somehow when I transplanted them from my cloner into my big hydro unit. They shriveled up, turned white and stopped growing. The main stem is still green and there has been a tiny tiny tiny bit of new growth on some of the larger plants since I...
  14. J

    Pollinated Female potency?

    I have a pollinated female (by mistake:dunce:), will the bud be as potent at the end of flowering as it would have been had it not gotten pollinated? am thinking that it will be less but it will still be good right? This is exotic stuff.:leaf:
  15. J

    Seed Harvesting

    How long does it take for the seeds to be ready for harvest? Are the buds then ready at the same time or do you still need to go by the trichomes even if the female is pollinated? This pollination was accidental and I want as much buds as possible, but will also enjoy the seeds. I just dont know...
  16. J

    Pollen vs Clones

    Thank you for responding.I numbered my clones and oringal plants- I have discarded the male clones as well. Is wiping down surfaces with alcohol and scrubbing the air enough? Also- what about my pollinated females - are they tokable in week 5 of flowering? I mean, should I just let them continue...
  17. J

    Thank you for responding earlier and accepting my friend request. I reposted- with more info...

    Thank you for responding earlier and accepting my friend request. I reposted- with more info, and am hoping you can answer more completely now. here is the link If the link does not work my post is called...
  18. J

    Pollen vs Clones

    Ok, so I just found this male plant hiding underneath my once female bud canopy which are in a self contained tent.The females are now seeding. I am so sad. But here is the thing- will my clones ( which are outside of that tent- but in the same room) be affected by the pollen that was released...
  19. J

    Will a Hermaphrodite affect Clones?

    Ok, well a male turned my budding fems into males then. Thanks for the info. I also learned that my clones may or may not be ok- i will have to scrub my tent to get rid of any stray pollen before putting transferring them from my supercloner. What do you say to that? Thanks for any more info you...
  20. J

    Will a Hermaphrodite affect Clones?

    Will a hermaphrodite plant affect clones (in the same room) that are in the vegetative stage? I just found a male hiding underneath my female canopy, it turned them all hermie. Now I am worried about my clones. i am freaking out!! Someone please give me info! Please!!