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  1. greenfingerman

    plz i need help with this!!!

    Foliar feeding is spraying the leaves of the plant with plain water or water mixed with some very weak nutrients. This will also increase the humidity in your grow cabinet, try having some wet towels and buckets of water in there aswell if you need to up the humidity some more. Good Luck!
  2. greenfingerman

    600w HPS one plant 16 days into flower

    Thanks man! Any guesses on what the yield might be? A pound is my goal haha
  3. greenfingerman

    600w HPS one plant 16 days into flower

    Cheers bro, hopefully its some real good shit!
  4. greenfingerman

    600w HPS one plant 16 days into flower

    Yeah i should definitely take a couple more clones and do some experimentation, it is kinda annoying not knowing the strain though, she definitely has some sativa in her :leaf:
  5. greenfingerman

    600w HPS one plant 16 days into flower

    haha cheers! It was initially just a mother plant but after i took the clones i needed from her i couldn't bring myself to just throw her away :weed:
  6. greenfingerman

    600w HPS one plant 16 days into flower

    Here is my plant, unknown strain, vegged for 8 weeks now at day 16 of flowering. I used a 600w metal halide to veg then changed over to the HPS lamp at day 7 of flowering. I took lots of pics with two different cameras, so what do you guys think?