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    [GIF] Leaves curl under, lower leaves yellowing

    Hi guys, haven't posted in a long time. Can someone tell me what might be going on with this plant? Each frame in the GIF is 12 minutes, so the loop is 2.4 hours real time. Consider that it may not be enough time to indicate an actual problem, but the leaf on the left of the center bud that...
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    Do They Make Corks For Joint Holes In Bongs?

    Also, from experience, never underestimate the power of letting your piece sit in a container full of rubbing alcohol (worked exceptionally well for my pipe). You might need a lot of alcohol for a bong (or a jar that fits the piece well), but just letting it sit over night will break down most...
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    Mint extract Dragon tincture

    I would absolutely love to see how this comes out. I am a total mint fiend.
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    Gidget's Ghetto Grow

    Gidget, I'm curious to know what sort of lights you're using for flower stage. I've got a plant in veg right now, and it's getting fairly big. Once I take clippings for clones and they root, I'm going to move the mother to flowering. I'm wondering if you're trying to flower with CFL/tubes...
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    Nute Defeciency?

    I was having a problem with my Trainwreck when it was too cold. The first sign of a problem was that it was turning a light shade of green. As long as you're above 65-deg, that should be fine. You should probably check pH, and if you think it might be nutes, you could add a little more and...
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    Leaves curling, a little dry/burned

    She's doing much, much, much better now.
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    Leaves curling, a little dry/burned

    No nutes, just cold. The area I was growing in wasn't heated. Moved it to my storage room and sat it on top of my web server. It's now nice and toasty, and it is continuing to grow. I clipped the dried and dead parts, and it's really starting to grow fast now.
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    trainwreck leaves curling upwards and limping out?

    That's why I had three four-foot fluorescents on it. The halogen was to keep the plant from freezing. I was growing in the basement where it gets really cold.
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    trainwreck leaves curling upwards and limping out?

    My trainwreck is starting to do this as well. Mine is worse, though. The leaves on top are starting to get red edges and dry out a bit. I've clipped one of the dried leaves, raised my halogen bulb thinking that it was too much heat, transplanted thinking the soil was depleted, and tonight I...
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    Leaves curling, a little dry/burned

    I have a clone that has taken root (quite well, actually). A couple days ago, I left it alone for 8 hours, perhaps too close to my halogen bulb. I have three fluorescent bulbs and a halogen (mainly for heat because it's cold where I'm growing). Anyway, I noticed that the leaves on the top of...
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    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    Not sure about this, dude, but the fact that the leaves are curling a bit sort of worries me. And I can't quite tell if that leaf in the bottom left is drying out. If so, grab some sharp scissors and take it out close to the stem. Feeding a dying leaf just takes energy from the plant. Anyone...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Just here to introduce myself. I'm a newbie. I've had a couple plants before. The first one died due to inexperience (and not reading enough). The second and third died due to insufficient light. The most recent is a clone I received from a fellow medical cardholder. She is a clone of...
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    cloning the clones of the clones of clones

    I'm going to remain within the realm of speculation so long as I am inexperienced with growing. I have a single clone and intend to take clones of it when it gets big enough. I've read a couple of posts recently that suggest that a branch coming off of a plant that is a certain age is also...
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    cloning the clones of the clones of clones

    I know this is a bit long-winded, but let me take a crack at this: If exposed to excessive radiation, the DNA in a human cell can become degraded to the point where it becomes cancerous. If you were to use the genetic information in this cell to produce a clone (take Dolly the sheep for...