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  1. E

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Anyone know if Ipower is any good? I see their lights on sale at If they are any good this could be a great time to pick some up.
  2. E

    Mold on hash. Still good?

    Is there a way to tell by looking at it?
  3. E

    Mold on hash. Still good?

    I have a friend who told me he had a 30 gram ball of hash and he put it in a baggy while it was still damp. He came back a few days later and it was covered in mold. He said he held it under the sink and got all the mold off with a tooth brush and is letting it dry again Not in a baggy this...
  4. E

    How can i find people who throw away there trimmings?

    I know but usually growers dont want to be found. Im moving in a few days and where im moving to they dont have dispensarys. Thanks for the quick response.
  5. E

    How can i find people who throw away there trimmings?

    I know some people keep them and some people just throw them away. Im wondering if there is a way to get trimmings. I don't grow. But would like to make hash. Any tips would be great.
  6. E

    Ever see a plant that is half green half white?

    The strain is sweet island skunk. And @ gastanker. Its hard to tell from the pictures but the whole plant isnt like this its just one branch off the main stalk. there was only one place for me to take a cutting and i did but the cutting is all white not white and green. Ill keep it touch with...
  7. E

    Ever see a plant that is half green half white?

    nah sure dont, kinda glad to. wouldn't want you to kill me for a cutting of it to experiment with. lol
  8. E

    Ever see a plant that is half green half white?

    Wasn't sure where else to post this but check out the pictures. It was hard to get a good one of the bud. but its half green and half white as well. As if grows a bit more ill try to get a better picture. Anyone ever seen anything like this?
  9. E

    Hydroponics, Ebb N Flow?

    I'm currently growing many plants in a soiless mix. But i would like to get a little experience with hydroponics. first starting out with 1-5 plants and seeing how it goes and maybe switching everything over to hydroponics. The most plants i would have is 20. My question is in your opinion what...
  10. E

    Preventing hermaphrodites? Simple question about thunderstorms

    i live in a place were thunderstorms frequently kick out the power. my question is during my daytime cycle if there's a thunderstorm and it kicks out the power the utility company usually has it fixed before my nighttime cycle which means the lights went off for maybe an hour or so and then...