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  1. R

    Attitude damn!!!!

    A couple months ago I ordered 10 Ak 47 Lowryder X 2 from Attitude. Five of the 10 were hermies. I contacted them and they said we will take care of you on your next order. Couple weeks later I ordered and sent them a copy of the email and they shipped but no replacement. So I emailed back and...
  2. R

    Ak47 auto X Lowryder 2 Fem ???

    I am a first time grower. Fox farm soil and nutes. On day 65, started flushing on day 60. These plants are only supposed to get about 24 inches max. They are in 2 gal. pots and all are between 24 inches and 60 inches. Six of them look the same and two look smalled and mucher darker leaves. My...
  3. R

    World of Seeds

    I will definetely give Nirvana a try. Thanks
  4. R

    World of Seeds

    This guy took my money $174.00 on November 22. I got an email on 23rd saying he had received my money. After 3 days and some threatning emails he said he shipped on the 27th. I have emailed him several times asking for a time frame to expect beans and no answer. So on December 11th I got a new...