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  1. hydrochris review. ships to the US

    they ship in an international media package, real stealthy, you'll find out when you get em.
  2. hydrochris review. ships to the US

    I only use this company, they always come through.
  3. hydrochris


    I have bought feminized seeds from them many times. Big Bang was a great yeilder, Cheese was a great yeilder, trainwreck was okay, Ultra Haze was the shit, lemon skunk was okay.
  4. hydrochris

    GH Cheese

    looking really good. do yourself a favor while it is still early and trim off any branch, node or fan leaf that is NOT getting good light, your other nodes and top cola's will benefit from this. Rock hard nuggets awaits you, not joking, rock hard!!
  5. hydrochris

    GH Cheese

    dude, my supplier was out of big bang the last time I ordered, it is a big yielder and works great in a SOG, clone the shit out of it, do a 1-2 week veg and flower. From seed I only did a 3 week veg and pulled 2 1/2 oz from each plant under a 1000w HPS,ebb n flow, GH 3part nutes and superthrive.
  6. hydrochris

    hermaphrodite problem

    if a plant gets too tall you can either try bending and tying down the top or if you are still in the vegetative state just cut the top off completely.
  7. hydrochris

    Dutch Passion Blueberry mmmmmmmmmmmm

    eh, we all know the "real" cheese is only available via clone in the UK, the cheese I am doing is the feminized cheese available from Greenhouse Seeds/Big Buddha.
  8. hydrochris

    Dutch Passion Blueberry mmmmmmmmmmmm

    I started with the feminized dp blueberry a couple years ago and have kept recycling my own hermie seeds. I pluck all the seeds before distributing and my buyers love it and are actually pissed at me at the moment because i have devoted all of my space to try out GHS Cheese, hopefully it turns...
  9. hydrochris

    Dutch Passion Blueberry mmmmmmmmmmmm

    yes the seeds came out of that crop, I harvested the 10 biggest cola's the week before and those were 8 oz dry weight, the picture you see is with the smaller colas and branches and that was 10 oz dry weight.
  10. hydrochris

    Dutch Passion Blueberry mmmmmmmmmmmm

    here are the pics of the blueberry buds
  11. hydrochris

    GH Cheese

    looking good, here is what you have to look forward to. GHS Cheese, 1000w HPS, GH 3 part nutes, 5 1/2 weeks into flower
  12. hydrochris

    GHS Cheese grow clones 1000w hps

    Flowering room 1 is at 5 1/2 weeks, flowering room 2 is at 3 1/2 weeks.
  13. hydrochris

    GHS Cheese grow clones 1000w hps

    room 1 is at 4 weeks flowering, room 2 is at 2 weeks flowering, room 3 is still in veg, plus over 100 clones with no place to go, probably into some happy frog soil and put out back.
  14. hydrochris

    hermaphrodite problem

    yep, with the hermie plants the only downside is some plants will have seeds in the bud, pick the seeds out and what do you have? bud, lots of it. take those seeds, grow' em out and keep the cycle going, you will have an endless supply of female plants and seeds.
  15. hydrochris

    hermaphrodite problem

    I have been away from this thread for a while...............I have done large grows with my hermie seeds and have never tossed out a plant from these seeds, I trim the lower branches and focus more on a SOG type grow. By keeping the light tight and not stressing the plants in anyway it...
  16. hydrochris

    Dutch Passion Blueberry mmmmmmmmmmmm

    I am planning on a large 3 week veg, then switch to flower. maybe 125-150 seeds to be used. Depending on how that works out will make my decisions for the rest. I would love to trade/sell some but got burned on here a while back.
  17. hydrochris

    Dutch Passion Blueberry mmmmmmmmmmmm

    Dutch Passion Blueberry Seeds 10pk regular seeds $150 7 females 1 male keeping the male in with the females results in 375 nice blueberry seeds I think I was more excited about the seeds than the bud. dutch passion parents, I figure I yeilded about $6k worth of seeds lol, oh yeah forgot...
  18. hydrochris

    GHS Cheese grow clones 1000w hps

    Doing a large Cheese grow, 3 mothers, 150 clones, 1 week veg time, 3 chambers each fitted with fan/filter 1000w HPS. 2 4x4 homebox huts holding 30-40 clones each, 1 larger room with a 4x4 tray holding 70 clones.
  19. hydrochris

    ?'s about Rubbermaid and CFL's

    enough lights- YES, but more is better, the fan will cool the box 4 inch inline fan, small carbon filter it's a small space, don't worry about the mylar, paint the interior white carbon filter will kill all the smell from that small of a space a 150w hps will work, but equally as much as 6-8 cfl's
  20. hydrochris

    miracle grow soil burning seedlings?

    are you just feeding with straight water, or a nutrient mix? I have been using MG organic potting mix, and watering with a General Hydroponics Flora 3-part nute mix and the recommended dosage for the plants age. I have grown over 200 plants with this method (Blueberry, White Widow, Cheese...