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  1. Dark Seducer

    Late nanners/no balls will clones do the same?

    Just a followup note. After much trial I have come to the conclusion that the late hermies are genetic and have nothing to do with stress in the plant. I have taken a particular phenotype of feminized blue mystic and it hermies at the exact same time in every set of clones, even clones of...
  2. Dark Seducer

    Late nanners/no balls will clones do the same?

    Cannabis normally has imperfect flowers, with staminate "male" and pistillate "female" flowers occurring on separate plants.[10] It is not unusual, however, for individual plants to bear both male and female flowers.[11] Although monoecious plants are often referred to as "hermaphrodites," true...
  3. Dark Seducer

    Late nanners/no balls will clones do the same?

    I normally don't ask questions on here because I learned how to read at an early age and most every question a person could ever have about growing weed is somewhere in rollitups archives. But I have searched high and low for the answer to this question and have been unable to find an...
  4. Dark Seducer

    Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

    Well as much as I luv discussing politics with people who get their news from "I can see Russia from my house" Palin and Glenn Beelzabeck it seems it still raises my blood pressure and when your an old fart who just lost his insurance that can be dangerous, it was 120 over 80 before I started...
  5. Dark Seducer

    Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

    so I am the paranoid lunatic yet you say Obama and all the liberals are marxist leftists who want to socialize the whole country. Some vast left wing conspiracy to take your rights away. Obvioulsy you don't even know what Marxism is. Since I and President Obama both own PRIVATE property we...
  6. Dark Seducer

    Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

    The DEA has been waging this war against pot for so long they aren't going to back off in the blink of an eye no matter who tells them to and many are wingnuts themselves and hate Obama as much as they hate pot. Many are crocked and make great living shaking growers down. With Fox no-news...
  7. Dark Seducer

    Scammed twice by nirvana-shop

    I think they are there my friend.
  8. Dark Seducer

    Scammed twice by nirvana-shop

    Nirvana sent me exactly what I ordered and both the Blue Mystic and Bubblicious were vigorous plants with a lot of trichomes, excellent smoke all the way around. I had two phenos of the Blue, a 48" tall one but very dense foliage and loads of trichomes, and then a 30" bush with a stronger smell...
  9. Dark Seducer

    Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

    that is the biggest lie I have ever heard on here. I have been a member of NORML since 1976 so don't attempt to spread your lies here, I know which side supports our cause and which doesn't. BUT there are those like Ron Paul who believe the Federal Government has no place making those type of...
  10. Dark Seducer

    Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

    Just because someone hides behind the cloak of religion does not make them a good person. Most of the church goers you speak of don't volunteer their time without the motive of pushing their beliefs down someone elses throat. It's all about bringing more people into the flock to increase the...
  11. Dark Seducer

    Hempy bucket help!!

    I may be a bit late at jumping in here but I have been using hempys for a little while now with impressive results. I don't even bother to check the PPM or the PH. I use a mix of verm and perl starting off in milk jugs then I move to four gallon trash cans from wally world. I use plain tap water...
  12. Dark Seducer

    Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

    And what has happened since the Dems have been running the Government? The states have been allowed to choose for themselves and the medical growers have not been raided. Yes most, if not all liberals are for not just medical use but full legalization.
  13. Dark Seducer

    Why the Conservatives will NEVER allow any legalized Marijuana, medical or otherwise.

    A New York Medical College team discovered a number of dramatic and striking differences between the drug users and the nonusers. The largest difference by far had to do with religion. Over half of the nonusers (54 percent ) said that they attended religious services. Not one of the users said...
  14. Dark Seducer

    human waste

    Bats and sea birds are not vegetarians, in fact they live on a strict protien diet yet their guano is the best fertilizer around.
  15. Dark Seducer

    In defense of MG Organic Choice

    I have never tried MG organics ferts. I like what I have seen so far from Rainbow, I will definately use them again.
  16. Dark Seducer

    In defense of MG Organic Choice

    I add the Rainbow Grow, the worm castings and the garden lime to the three gallon bags and then switch to the Rainbow bloom mix and cut back a little on the worm castings when I move them to the five gallon buckets. Anytime I use MG I add about a Tbs of garden lime per gallon.
  17. Dark Seducer

    In defense of MG Organic Choice

    I doubt I would be as happy with the results if I would not have supplement the MG with guano, worm castings and the rainbow nutes.
  18. Dark Seducer

    In defense of MG Organic Choice

    about a cup of each per 3 gallon bag, it's loosened up the soil from what I have in the five gallon buckets but I had to take the clones out of the 3 gallon grow bags and put it in 3 gallon pots, everytime I moved them the soil would shift and fall apart around the root ball. It not a big...
  19. Dark Seducer

    In defense of MG Organic Choice

    Thanks Reelfiles, For the two of the clones I added perlite and vermiculite in the mix, keeps the soil looser, which is great except with the grow bags it tends to shift when you move it. I am trying Hempy Buckets with perl and verm for the rest of the clones, they seem to like it.
  20. Dark Seducer

    In defense of MG Organic Choice

    Thanks AquafinaOrbit. I think you are right, because it's so accessable many noobs use it and blame all their problems on the soil. I am by no means a noob but it has been about 20 years since my last grow.