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  1. B

    "Bud Pinching"...there is a difference

    True...its scary to try new things. I would recommend pinching at least a few buds on one of your plants to see if it works. Who knows...maybe it only works well on big plants...indoor tree-style grows and/or outdoor? I haven't seen it done on small plants.
  2. B

    "Bud Pinching"...there is a difference

    The results they were getting might have had just as much to do with the strict res topping/changing schedule, and the HydRx POG water treatment, as it did the pinching. They were sticklers about completely changing, and adding fresh nutrients weekly. That's alot of waste, and very...
  3. B

    "Bud Pinching"...there is a difference

    Yeah, it's the 3rd week of budding......I'll try to draw a picture or something, ha ha. I actually have a Wacom tablet, and photoshop...maybe I can do it:spew: What's up with this little guy puking up green shit? Is he ok? Will he live? Has anyone called a doctor? Or a priest, perhaps?
  4. B

    "Bud Pinching"...there is a difference

    ha ha, ya.......pinchin from bags is fun, and effective too! I learned this technique from some serious cash croppers in Vegas, they do all sorts of weird shit to their plants out there. They all grow "tree-style"...using 30 gallon trash can reservoirs, 5 gallon buckets with GH Waterfarm drip...
  5. B

    "Bud Pinching"...there is a difference

    It seems like everywhere I go there is always a misconception of what Bud Pinching is. I see people asking about it....and I see the wrong answers given most of the time. Bud pinching is not "topping", or "fimming"...or anything is "bud pinching". It is a technique used by the...
  6. B

    pinching bud tops make massive buds

    Another thing I need to make more clear on this process......each bud (the top kola) and all others look like one big bud, but are actually made up of tons of little buds that are coming off of the main branch. They are just clustered together so tight that it looks like one bud. It's important...
  7. B

    pinching bud tops make massive buds

    Just a tiny pinch....about 1/16th to 1/8th inch....its kind of hard to explain (or even photograph)...mostly you are just nipping the top calyxes of each bud. Kind of like you are more or less "smashing" the very tip of each bud. A very blunt trauma. And as you can imagine, as the...
  8. B

    pinching bud tops make massive buds

    .....Also, I forgot to mention.....this technique seems to constantly be confused with "topping".....which is simply a way of pinching/cutting off the top of your plant to place more emphasis on lower plant growth. Don't pinch or cut off your entire buds, unless you want to stunt vertical...
  9. B

    pinching bud tops make massive buds

    Yes....this is a technique that has been around for awhile....not too many people know about it for some reason, hopefully I'm here to change that. About 3 weeks into the bud cycle, you simply pinch about 1/16 of an inch off the tip of the bud(s). Grow out your thumb and middle (or index)...