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  1. S

    Tips For Covert Grow

    I also must mention I am from the UK so if you find any equipment to link me to make sure it is in £ thanks :)
  2. S

    Tips For Covert Grow

    wht about these? 9 weeks from seed, high THC content says large yielding but a small bit of high thc weed is better for me to smoke than lots of weak weed
  3. S

    Tips For Covert Grow

    cool man well im not sure if they are Thai but perhaps. thats cool maybe ill just not grow these plants then perhaps ill buy lowrider from joindoctor unless i can do LST on these perhaps thai plants
  4. S

    Tips For Covert Grow

    Ok so any price estimates? Any links to items which have been used before and have been met with great success? I am looking for anyone here who has done a grow and can say to me ''you need this, i used this one and it was great''. Thanks :)
  5. S

    Tips For Covert Grow

    maybe some of you remember me, i had a thread with 14k views, think it was the most popular as lots of people were going to grow outside at that time or were preparing to hope you all had good luck growing, I didn't have any. one guy said I should just grow a few plants, so the goal is to...
  6. S

    lol i haven't been on here for so long for those of u wondering i never grew any

    lol i haven't been on here for so long for those of u wondering i never grew any
  7. S

    Tips For Covert Grow

    Hello, I have 3 seeds, the bud they came from smells like Thai Stick, may or may not be a variant but did not look like or smoke like the Thai Stick I had a while back. I have kept them for a few weeks, they are keeping cool and will stay clean. I have a cupboard, perhaps 4 foot by 3 foot...
  8. S

    Growing In The Woods

    cool guy cheers, this year was not the year, next year will be better and i will buy some seeds not just get some shitty old bag seeds which won't even germinate, hopefully i could even be moved out by then and grow inside. signing off now, see you all next year maybe.
  9. S

    Growing In The Woods

    well after many posts on this thread im now going to look like a dick, i went to my spot the other day and the black wire thing around the plant pots had been prized open and no plant remained! they were eaten. none of the other seeds will germinate and its too late now may try some other year...
  10. S

    Growing In The Woods

    yeh man well the netting does have holes in it i just cant remember if they r big or not oh man i was coming back from my spot the other day and sneaked past the cows and the bull and as soon as i got to the gate the cows ran at me i jumped over the fence and they stopped. then they stood there...
  11. S

    Growing In The Woods

    i will get a mini greenhouse if i can im gonna see at b and q tomorrow see if u have to assemble it, that way i can just sneak the box up there and make it up there well i planted two more, one seed came out of its shell whilst germinating, i planted it and over night it had sprouted, im sure...
  12. S

    Growing In The Woods

    man its fucked i went up there the sprout is gone like it just disappeared, and the spot wasnt getting any sun anymore. ive moved them now but still the branches block them so im gonna have to find a more open spot tomorrow none of the other seeds popped up so i planted two more seeds today...
  13. S

    Growing In The Woods

    not yet mate havent had the time luckily its rained since though, ill be going up tomorrow a post should be up in the afternoon and a picture too
  14. S

    Growing In The Woods

    says page not found
  15. S

    Growing In The Woods

    i've got one in the woods atm, ive planted 5 or 6 cant remember, but only one of them has sprouted ill take a pic tomorrow and put it up here, its been going for a few weeks but its only a sprout like got this curled over thing in top no leaves yet but i know its growing its gotten bigger and...
  16. S

    Growing In The Woods

    ok so all the seeds are in sealy bags between two bits of wet cotton wool wrapped up in clothes in my drawer, only four of them have little white roots poking out the rest are doing nothing, ive been keeping some of them germing for a few weeks now shit seeds?
  17. S

    Growing In The Woods

    shit man. yeh my woods are right next to a dog walker field, its risky but its all i can do. do u rekn these plants will even grow because the seeds have taken a few weeks to germ
  18. S

    Growing In The Woods

    cool man cheers watching it now yeh i want everything to be as easy and simple as possible! i understand that its natural and can grow naturally but its just england im growing it inm is shit well atm its fucking sunny but normally its shit im gonna get rid of these branches which are stealing...
  19. S

    Growing In The Woods

    yeh thats what i was gonna do, although when i went up there i didnt know it was like that so next time i go i will, but some of the branches are waaaaaay ip there, the only thing i can do is tear the trees down and i dont wanna do that, so ill get the branches down yeh man weather is soooo...
  20. S

    Growing In The Woods

    well man its a littl ebit bigger and greener in scolour. but now some of the trees have goteen their leaves back i dont think its gewtting as much light could justbe the time of day but i may have to move the plant.