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  1. Dragon toker

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    :joint::shock:cool then thats what I will try I'm not sure if I can change the lighting in the hood it's got two sockets for screw in floro's I'm not sure where to go to find stronger ones or if I can use stronger ones in there but I'll see what can be done about that, but I'll do like you say...
  2. Dragon toker

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    :bigjoint:Ok, this is what I'm going to try to do. I have a 10 gal aquarium with 2 10watt fluorescent lights in the hood, they are full spectrum lights. I'm going to block out all other light. Do I need to rig it so that the plants are close to the lights as they grow? I'm going to use...
  3. Dragon toker

    Cool picture thread

    love your avatar dude
  4. Dragon toker

    How much do you sell a sack for?

    I have no seller we should hook up wouldn't even have to be super weed just so long as it wasn't shake:bigjoint: what is 321? and I live north of orlando by about 3 hours:wall:
  5. Dragon toker

    Your Christmas Wish List.

    wtf are you going to do with all that, I can guess your going to drink the pale ale and eat the little debbie oatmeal pies but I don't know wtf your thinking with the others:wall:
  6. Dragon toker

    High school fictional writing project - Hugh the Apple.

    it was pretty funny but I think he was blazin when he wrote itbongsmilie
  7. Dragon toker

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Quote: Originally Posted by Dragon toker It's not really that bad i have a lot of other seeds, your info is a great help to me and I will be doing indoor grows, but there isn't anything I can do to change the problem i have now maybe switch lighting because they aren't but about a week old...
  8. Dragon toker

    How much do you sell a sack for?

    Here in north central florida you could proably name your price its so dry around here your lucky if you can find a good nick. I've been looking for a bag for over a week here. Bradford, Union, and Baker counties for sure are dry. could probably get some in High Springs but atm I don't have the...
  9. Dragon toker

    :Joint: Tokin'

    I've been finding this forum very informative and even entertaining a bit. I'm not sure how long the site has been around but i've learned a lot since I've been hanging out here. Lurked around for a bit but decided it was friendly enough to join up.bongsmilieNow I just need to find a place to...
  10. Dragon toker

    Your Christmas Wish List.

    bongsmilie I've been very good and I can't find any christmas trees around where I live. I would really like a bag of christmas cheer :bigjoint:
  11. Dragon toker

    High school fictional writing project - Hugh the Apple.

    \\:eyesmoke: Arby's has mac and cheese?:bigjoint:
  12. Dragon toker

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    It's not really that bad i have a lot of other seeds, your info is a great help to me and I will be doing indoor grows, but there isn't anything I can do to change the problem i have now maybe switch lighting because they aren't but about a week old :bigjoint:
  13. Dragon toker

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    There is a lot of great info in this thread and i am enjoying reading about all of this. I've only just got to like the 24th page and I've learned so much. I just started trying to grow plants and don't have a lot of the fancy stuff yet do to finances so I germinated in a paper towel and I am...
  14. Dragon toker

    *First Grow* - comments and suggestions welcome! *Pics INSIDE*

    This is after only two weeks from seed? At what point did they start looking like this? I'm just wondering how long they keep the four leaf palm tree look to them. Mine are almost a week old and still look lik tall seedlings. Just curious and btw your plants look awesome so far.
  15. Dragon toker

    Growing Marijuana

    I'm in pretty much the same point my plants are 2 1/2 inches tall and about 5 days old they have like four leaves on the top of them looking kind of like tiny palm trees. They are indoors using just sunlight and soil with some root starter and water. I'm just wondering when they will start...
  16. Dragon toker

    So This Morning I Found About 25+ plants

    :weed:Taking plants you found and getting laid are two different things and looking at girls nekkid is a perfectly natural thing for boys of all ages to want to do. If she is posting her pictures on the internet then she must be wanting a little action herself. If I was younger I would probably...
  17. Dragon toker

    How To Grow Marijuana -By:

    :shock: I don't think its right to assume that someone doesn't read if they are new to this type of thing, and when you get a lot of new people looking for the same things you will probably get a lot of repeat questions if you got enough patience to go through all you have to go through for...
  18. Dragon toker

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey I'm new to growing, and when I say new I mean just out of the womb as it were, I have about 11 plants started in peat pellets I got from walmart and I use bloom burst plant food /water mixture on them they are about 3inches long now with four little leaves on the top of some very frail...